It’s warm today

It’s still warm despite my predictions that a change of wind would bring cooler weather. I had all the windows of the van open last night as it was so warm. It was very pleasant as i could hear he waves, see the sea and listen to the cicada singing.

Today I did some washing this morning and chatted to my Austrian neighbours, a young couple who have a small son who has an enquiring mind. The boy has made friends with another little boy of similar age from a Swiss family. They both speak German but the Swiss boy speaks Swiss German. They seem to understand each other which is more than I can.
I’m sitting in the shade under a tree with my laptop, listening to Greek radio, with the sound of little boys playing on the beach and the waves in the background. I think the little boys are trying to kill each other – so long as they don’l leave too much blood on the beach as it upsets the dogs!
I’m waiting for Inter Sport to call me back about their Internet connection which has gone on the blink. I know it’s still not working as I am unable to connect remotely.
So there you have it – I am unable to see if there is anyone outside Costa so that information must come from you