All happening in Lewes

It seems to be all happening in Lewes this morning.

We have just had lunch – another Alex masterpiece. Alex has now gone off to play on the beach. I suspect he will go over to the promontory and fall asleep in the sun. When he goes to bed early tonight, he will complain that he only slept for 9 hours continuously. I don’t know how long he will stay: I suspect he will get bored eventually then move on.
A group of children are piloting a pedal-eau on the sea and enjoying themselves. The sun is shining and is still quite powerful despite the fact that we are heading towards November. It is 29C at the moment so I may have to take myself and the dogs onto the beach to read for a bit. I might even fall asleep in the sun… Possibly
I’m not surprised Pete didn’t turn up. The idea of doing Dr Bike in the rain does not appeal to him for some reason. It must be Neville Bonfire very soon if not this Saturday. I’m not sure I will see the fireworks from here but then I’ve seen a few in my time.
Off to the beach now methinks