Boris’ bed

I left Boris’ daytime, outside bed in yesterday’s storm and heavy rain so took him with me to the washing sinks (€5 for the washing machine!) to wash his sodden bedding. I left a bowl of food where the puppies could find it and, strangely, it was all gone when we returned!

Today it is sunny again although cloudy and there is a brisk breeze from the south. The rain has washed the path away outside the gate leading to the beach and the van was standing in a lake at one point. My shoes had been washed away and were jammed under the gate: everything else floated out to sea. I have put a pallet over the gap created by the rain in case someone falls down it. Mr Elf & Safety is not around much here.
Yesterday’s weather forecast was utterly wrong having mentioned a remote possibility of thunder! Tomorrow a little more rain is forecast. At least here we have warm rain and the sun shines during and after.
The snails are having a field day and there are copulating mollusks to be seen as well as worms galore! There is a huge ant effort as I think an underground nest must have been flooded.