I have to tell you that the Amina H is still moored in the bay between Grammeno and Paleochora. I think I may rechristen it the Marie Celeste although there is probably someone there to turn the lights on and off.

Amina H


Jokes at the supermarket earlier regarding visits to the bank. I only have around €100 cash at present but that will last at least a couple of weeks as I bought lots of dog food fairly recently. At least they will have something to eat even if I have to resort to bread and dripping. My diet consists mostly of what is available locally so I’m not that bothered about imports. Anyway the fig season is approaching and there are watermelons by the million.

Talking to a German couple on the camping this morning, we touched upon the subject of European politics but I declined to get involved with any meaningful discussion bearing in mind his Germanic-ness. Discussing the structure of the EU, I cited the Irishman who, when asked for directions, said that “he wouldn’t have started from here”. He thought this was extremely amusing which is strange as I didn’t think Germans have a sense of humour…

He mentioned the UK’s desire to quit the EU and I replied that, since there are so many eurosceptics both inside and outside of government, it seemed logical to give the opportunity to, once and for all, decide whether it was still what was desired. Anyone younger than 58 would not have had the opportunity to decide upon entry to the ‘Common Market’ which, at that time was sold as a trading area and customs zone with no mention of ‘ever closer union’ or single currency. If the plebiscite confirms a desire to remain, there would then be less scope for eurosceptics to have their say.

Banks in Greece are likely to remain closed at least until after the referendum. It is still possible to get money from the ATMs although I gather there were no signs of panic or queues at the ATMs in Paleochora yesterday. Erica was saying that a local, at the ATM in front of her, was only able to take €60 from the machine. He simply shrugged his shoulders and carried happily on his way. Janne said he as able to take far more than €60 but then foreigners are bringing hard currency into Greece and not trying to take it out.

Maria came round to warn Janne that Manolis his a queue at his petrol station and that they should stock up on fuel for their car. They had only just filled up anyway.

Must of this is merely knee-jerk panic, a bit like the toilet paper and sugar shortages we experienced in UK if you recall. The supermarkets’ stock is finely balanced against what will be sold during a certain period of time. If everyone suddenly decides to buy three times their normal amount of a product, it’s hardly surprising that the shelves become empty.

Fortunately I don’t need to worry about most of this as I have enough money for now, can bake my own bread, don’t use motor fuel and don’t eat in restaurants.

There are no signs of marauding gangs of bloodthirsty Albanians/Bulgarians/Russians and I doubt the population of Paleochora will rise up in protest and take to the streets. The clatter of zimmer frames would be deafening!

So there you have it from your personal foreign correspondent.