More water!

Adonis turned up this morning with lots of interesting things including some smaller water pipe, connectors, a tap and 25m hose pipe. I cut the pipe in half so now I have two shorter hoses which are more practical and convenient in this space. I can now water the puppies and the flowers and generally make the area more appealing. As you can imagine, with a mixture of hot weather and several young dogs confined to a limited space, there is a requirement to rinse the ground from time to time. Doing it with buckets is not really a viable option.

Recently too, Adonis brought the paint so I could paint the van roof and the product to finish the decking.. All I have to do now is to put it all together! I have no real excuse now that I have a longer hose so do not have to wet the decking in order to damp down the puppy enclosure.

I’ve been chatting a bit with Ursula over text as Tony goes into hospital tomorrow for an operation to fix the shoulder he damaged probably as a result of tripping and falling into a gulley at Grammeno last autumn. It would be untrue to say that there were not other contributory factors, including a couple of glasses of wine. Nevertheless, he will get it fixed tomorrow and Ursula has a long period of convalescence to look forward to where Tony has an excuse to be grumpier than usual. Not that he needs much of an excuse to be grumpy!
Janne tells me he is off to catch a plane to fly back to Sweden for a family reunion in the north of the country. He says he will be back by noon on Monday. Seeing as they have only been here just over a week, I feel it is very keen of him to go all the way back, especially to the north of the country, for a family reunion.
This afternoon I have been involved in setting up a new router for Furniture Helpline, one of my customers, formerly of Bordon Hants. The storms of last weekend took out their router as it would appear that they had not configured it as specified, leaving it open to lightening strikes over the phone cables. An expensive mistake as these things are around £200!
The puppies are charging about and making a little racket however they can stay up longer so long as they don’t make more noise.
Time to feed myself I think…