Little did I know

After our phone conversation, I went on another walk. This time around the entire perimeter of the hospital in search of the hospital dogs. I eventually found them sleeping in the long grass in the sun. Following that marathon walk I came back to quickly pester the staff at the nurses’ station near my room. Unfortunately, they now know I can speak a little Greek so speak much less English. I showed the dog photos to the guy opposite me. He speaks no English so I simply blundered away in Greek. Dogs are one of the topics I can talk about in Greek as I’ve learned a fair amount of vocabulary.

Later Fanis arrived and proposed we go out in his car. We told the staff we were going downstairs to the café but then went to the Old Town for a lovely walk around the harbour. It was a long way so I now feel quite tired. It’s a good thing, as I had to push myself a bit, making my recovery quicker. Tomorrow I’ll probably feel like I’ve been kicked by a horse but I’ll be self-medicating anyway.

It might not be long until I fall asleep but I need to take my 22:00 meds so need to stay awake a little longer. At least I won’t have someone waking me at 00:00 to put on a drip.


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