What a disappointment

Only a few hours left of the day, with a forecast of 35mm rain, yet a mere 6.1mm fell, mostly during the night. To achieve the speculated rainfall, it’s going to have to rain pretty hard for the remaining six hours of the day.

No absentees at the end of either walk today. Minnie came back at the end this morning and was not let off the lead this evening as I was not about to put up with a repeat of last night’s performance. Charlie was also captured before the end to avoid any problems. Just as I had 8/9 dogs on the lead, the couple with the little white dog appeared for a walk along the promontory. Naturally, there was much chaos and spaghetti with leads at the end but at least they were not all running about barking at the white dog.
Georgia came past earlier on a quest for a wheelbarrow to move wood. She told me that Maria would be coming to bring me some keys so that I can access the power for the water heaters for the showers. The rooms at the reception have solar heaters but there is no electrical backup so the inmates have to come to the main bathroom. The static vans share the water heater on top of the storeroom and T1 is occupied by a couple of Albanians. The girl who was looking after the place went before Christmas following the breakup with her boyfriend and the apparent illness of her mother. She does not live on the island so Georgia suspects she will not return. At present there are only four Albanians on the camping, however, the Albanian Season only really gets underway once the greenhouses require more labour from January onwards. I find it hard to believe that Georgia will be able to resist letting all the Small Cabins and the remaining rooms out. At least I have my compound to protect me from marauding Albanians if it comes to it. I will also have keys for the workshop and the washing machine so I can help myself to that as well. I will be able to put in a more reliable power cable to replace the one currently lying in the pool of water on the storeroom roof draped from the reinforcing rods to the back of the van. I will be able to install the waterproof consumer unit I got Ursula to bring over in May. I can then dig a trench and feed my van’s power underground so taking down the overhead cable. This will also allow me to protect my van and equipment with trip fuses and an RCD device which cuts off the power instantly there is a problem.Whilst the cat is away…
The Brown Dogs are spread evenly over the bench seats and Boris is on his bed on the floor. They had all had meat so are snoring quietly. Antonis has just collected his laptop which I have reinstalled and updated for him during the day. He has put my old iPad up for sale and contacted a couple of his friends who may be interested.
Time for some food and a glass of wine before the rain comes


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