Hardly any today

After a couple of heavy downpours last night, today has been reasonably dry. Not at all cold and I even went on the evening walk in bare feet with just crocks on. Some other people were walking their dog as we started out on the promontory. Strangely they soon disappeared once they clapped eyes on my lot. It is quite windy so they are all completely potty. At the end of the promontory, the waves were crashing against the rocks as the wind is from the southwest. The lagoon is quite full and the sea interesting as the competing streams of water merge and flow over the rocks on the headland. I was planning to walk the dogs along the rocks this morning and had started out, when a huge wave broke over the rocks where we cross over. At that point, I decided that we’d better go another way in case a similar wave should appear as we try to cross.

Antonis appeared this morning with four parcels for me. I gave him my ID so that he could visit the post office to collect my items. Apparently, the mail man had been delivering the dockets to the camping office but, for some reason, they didn’t manage to get to me. My speakers are set up and the dogs are enjoying their new dog beds. They now have so many layers under them they are like the Princess and the pea. they appear to approve of the beds as they are completely crashed out and snoring away. Boris is able to keep the other, larger bed, all to himself on the floor. Sadly for him, I have yet to put on the heating so he is not bathed in a current of warm air. The weather will change at the weekend bringing northerly winds and minimum temperatures down to 3C. I have a spare gas tank and just changed the other, so we should be fine. The insulated houses, with two dogs in each, should enable all of the dogs to remain where they are without the need to bring them into the storeroom.
Still no keys from Maria, but then it is only a few days, so that’s quite good going I suppose. They are still here so able to deal with anything that comes up. I expect they will disappear after the weekend and go back to Chania so there is bound to be a last-minute scramble as they get things together.
We’ve had nothing like the amount of rain forecast so should be thankful for that. It has been a bit wet, but mostly during the night. When it does rain during the day, the Small Dogs are quick to go into their houses and probably understand the need to keep dry.


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