Dead goat

You may be pleased to know that the dead goat, washed up on the shore, is still in the same position as yesterday. The aforementioned goat was of less interest to the dogs this morning.

There was more rain in the night, in fact for most of the night, ending around 07:00 today. We went for an almost dry walk and the sun was kind enough to be shining as we came back. All dogs were present for roll call at the end.
Since it was so sunny, I decided to take Dave for an extra walk as he didn’t get one at all yesterday. He seemed keen to go and led the way for most of the time. I had intended to take him along the beach, in front of the villas, to the car park and back. He was game to go on and led me across the large beach on the promontory where I turned him back to return to the camping. Certainly, he had plenty of energy. This afternoon I put him in with the Small Dogs for a while before we went out for his evening walk. Again, he had plenty of energy and scarpered at the end of the walk, finding his own way back to the camping. I brought the others back and then Obi and I went on a Dave Hunt along the beach to eventually find him in the camping all along. Being a rather black dog, he becomes difficult to see when the evening comes.
Other excitements for the day include quite a lot of support calls, especially from Sweden, as Janne and Erica wish to be able to view their cable TV programmes from their caravan in Crete. Like most companies, their cable TV company does not wish you to share or view from abroad, so block your connection. However, by installing an additional piece of equipment on your home network, you can connect to your home and pretend to be in the country even when you are abroad. It’s not a very efficient way of doing things but it gets around the problem.
With sun for most of the morning, there was hot water in the bathrooms so I was able to indulge in a lovely hot shower around 15:00. Due to the current cold spell, 4.6C and falling as I write, I am now wearing a thermal vest, winter shirt, two hoodies and a scarf and hat. Outside I wear windproof trousers over my jeans as well as a lined coat and boots. A retired German couple arrived at the camping as I was searching for Dave. We discussed the coldness of the weather, deciding that it seemed much colder than we had noticed before. They have visited Crete in January nearly every year in the past twenty. They are staying only one night as it’s possible to stay virtually anywhere you like for free at this time of year so long as you can do without facilities.
There is snow on the lower mountain peaks although not yet on those just above Kountoura. It must be very chilly and snowy up in the mountain villages. I even think it is colder than two years ago when we had the coldest, wettest snowiest winter that anyone could remember for the past eighty years. Perhaps we will have snow in the camping and on the beach tomorrow morning.
It’s just turned 19:00 so I’m feeling hungry so going to prepare something to eat.


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