New power supply

Yesterday I got everything washed and dried including sheets, duvet cover, under sheet and blanket. It will take ages for all those little creatures to find their way back.

The weather has been sunny and warm for the past two days despite a short shower earlier this morning. The ground was not even wet which shows what a short shower it was. The daily summary email that you receive every evening should give you more or less accurate details of the current conditions.

Antonis appeared this morning with 50m of cable, fixings and some underground tube. At present, my power comes over the roof of the storeroom. Certainly the most direct way but not really the prettiest. Going over the roof exposes the cable to the sun as well as submerging it whenever it has rained and until the sun dries the pools which accumulate. The plan is to run a new cable inside the storeroom and then via an underground conduit to the van. I will have my own power switch so will be able to turn off or isolate the power when I wish. I also plan to put everything into a waterproof cupboard rather than on the high, inaccessible, dusty shelf in the storeroom.
Following the letter from Barclays last September, I called to say that I no longer wished to take advantage of the various additions products they were upgrading. I spoke to a nice man on the telephone who assured me that everything was sorted out and I would receive no more monthly debits for the services. Checking my statement this morning, I noticed that I have continued to be charged for the services and an additional pack had been added to the account. I spent a happy hour on the phone with a nice young man called Lewis from a Liverpool call centre. He has now cancelled the additions product and refunded all the payments. He also dealt with another problem with Barclaycard where I had been charged interest for two consecutive months. I pay my account, in full, the moment I receive the notification that the new statement is issued. Apparently, I was too quick off the mark as the Barclays, not Barclaycard, online system does not update immediately. Consequently, I had paid the balance of the previous month’s statement and not the current one, being a greater amount. I now see that the iPad app has been updated making it no longer possible to pay the same statement balance more than once. Good news for me as sometimes I forgot that I had already paid and paid twice. Not that it matters much since it comes off the next month’s balance anyway. All sorted now though.
Dave spent nearly all of today in the run with the Small Dogs. He seems to like their houses and has a system whereby he stands in the entrance barking until the current incumbent moves out to let him in. Millie is less compliant so I have to tell Dave to shut up or he drives us all round the bend with incessant barking.
With the sunset getting later and sunrise earlier, the days are becoming noticeably longer. At 18:10 yesterday I could still see outside. We are moving the evening walk to take advantage of the extra sunlight meaning the Small Dogs are going to bed a little later.


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