Not a lazy Sunday

All action today although I had intended to do different things to what I actually did.My initial plan was to put the awning rail back over the windscreen of the van. This was removed during the great windscreen sealing exercise to give better access. I want to check all along the top of the windscreen but the weather has been somewhat unreliable so jobs involving sealant didn’t seem such a good idea. I fiddled around with my weather website adding a page showing the webcam. I discovered that I could link back to the image on Weather Underground so this seemed like a simple way to tackle the task. This website will be perpetually evolving as I add more pages and find better ways to do some of the things already there. I don’t know much about HTML, the website programming language, as I have always used a tool to build websites in the past. The weather website is made from templates so most of the hard work is done.

In the end, I decided to tackle the cable replacement operation as Maria had left with Michaelis, the guy who comes and feeds the dogs every day. I knew I would not be interrupted so would be able to get everything done and put back without anyone noticing. There is no continuity here so no one knows when anything new appears. I moved a bit of stuff in my own area on the storeroom before going into the workshop to drill a hole for the cable to pass between there and the storeroom. The cable route in the workshop is under some racking to the main fuse panel on the furthest corner. I moved some more stuff in the workshop but, as it’s such a shambles in there, no one will know that anything has changed. The only danger is that I try to do things vertically and properly which is not the local custom. I struggled around in the storeroom climbing over and under stacks of equipment. Beach umbrellas, sun loungers, tables, benches and other paraphernalia, all stacked around the walls. At the moment the cable is laying on the floor but, come the summer, the storeroom will be empty so I’ll come back and clip the cable to the wall. Another hole out onto my compound and I was able to fix my control box to the wall. The ultimate plan is to acquire a large plastic outdoor electricity meter box with a door so that all my electrical clutter, router, switch, power sockets, CCTV recorder etc can go in there rather than on the dusty, inaccessible shelf in the storeroom. Tomorrow I will dig a trench for the conduit between the van and the storeroom wall and connect up the link between the control box and the van. I will then disconnect the horrid overhead cable after I have connected the link from the workshop main electricity supply to my control box. I’ll then need a temporary back link to supply the clutter in the storeroom whilst I source a suitable outside meter box.
Following all the grovelling and clambering, I went for a nice hot shower before taking the dogs out for their evening walk. We are able to go out at about 17:00 now that the sun is setting later and it weather is clearer. On the return leg of the promontory, I noticed a number of people congregating at the Ammos Beach Bar next to Cedar Bay Villas. I decided to put all the dogs on their leads earlier to avoid any problems and sent Antonis a message telling him as I know that Stelios is away on his honeymoon so was unsure if all the people should be there.
After feeding the dogs and putting them to bed, I decided to close the gates between the beach and the camping to discourage any nosey people and I also closed one of the entrance gates onto the road as we’d had a random visitor in an old pickup earlier. Two guys who disappeared when I came out to see why all the dogs were barking. Mickey seems to be still barking even though there is no one actually around anywhere. He is quite loud and persistent however he runs away if you approach. All mouth and trousers!
Time for some food methinks.


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