Positively warm

Boris decided that we all needed to go for a walk at 06:00 but I persuaded him otherwise. The sun rises earlier now but not that early! As you will see from your daily weather summary, sunrise is now 07:22 and sunset 17:55. Our evening walk is at 17:00 which gives time for a decent walk, to feed them and put them to bed just as it gets dark. Dave seemed to be in good form this evening and was able to keep up with everyone. Once he worked out which dog was going where that is. Prior to departure, Micky was winding up Boris by hanging around outside the compound. Even though Dave and the Brown Dogs were tied to a tree, I was able to get Micky to come near enough so that they might actually play together rather than spend all their time chasing him away. Micky seems to like being the hare however it always seems to get out of hand for some reason.

I had quite a bit of support to do today but spent the remainder of the time just fiddling around learning websites and sitting in the sun. I had the west window open from quite early on and only closed it once the sun went behind the building.
Antonis came with more dog food and some plastic pipe 90 joints. Each time it rains, there is a puddle at the northwest corner of the workshop building. My plan is to divert the rain around the corner and get it away from the building and into the bushes. I really don’t need a hair wash and to play hopscotch each time it rains. Antonis was just off to kill people with his little friends. They have not been coming to the promontory this winter and have been spending their time in a deserted village up the valley from Paleochora or else in a location near Chania. Luis rather misses the opportunity to bark at them as they play their war games. Still, each to his own.


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