Dead calm outside

But inside the van the lentils and onions from last night are making their presence felt. More wind is forecast for tomorrow for most of the day, however, Dave and I will be in Chania with Antonis who called this morning to measure up for the latest weather defeating project for the eastern end of the decking. The plan is to build a structure to protect the east and northeast end of the awning with a frame attached to the ground supporting a large transparent blind to deflect the worst of the wind up and over the awning. We will doubtless have a conversation about it on our way tomorrow.

It has been very warm and sunny today but the Albanians must have all showered as the water was not as hot as expected despite leaving the heater on for around an hour. They probably made up for not showering yesterday when it was windy.
Micky didn’t join us for the evening nor the morning walk as he probably had some other pressing engagement elsewhere. The dogs were looking around for him and were disappointed they were unable to chase him up and down the beach as usual. All were present and correct at the end of the walk. Partly, I should imagine, as Micky was absent. I know that he is alive and well since he chased one of the Albanians, who was riding a bike, as I was in the shower.
Boris, who I have been driving mad with my weather device, not the canine version, has agreed to replace the device now that he has new stock. I have been pestering him with problems for months so he has finally surrendered. Once I get the replacement, I shall have to find some way to filter out all of the rotten data. I know the data is inconsistent as the new website is very good at producing statistics which are obviously incorrect due to rotten data in the database. Temperatures of -30C in Crete are a bit of a giveaway as are wind gusts to 130km/h! Boris sent the replacement via DHL, the German postal service. Not one of my favourites as their Greek counterparts have sent stuff back to Germany rather than deliver it over to this side of the island. If all else fails, I’ll get them to deliver to the vet then pick it up from there. It’s only a very small packet so they might even hand it off to ELTA the Greek postal service who do manage to deliver.
There is a small Obi head lying on my leg as I write. He has poked his head between my arm and my leg. Luis is next to him however Fido is on the floor because he is avoiding jumping up onto the bench with Boris lying on the floor beneath. He is hoping I will pick him up and plonk him on the seat. Boris has gone for a drink of water giving Fido the chance to jump up in his absence. It’s all very exciting here!
Time for grub!


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