My geraniums are blooming

My Geraniums appear to be doing well. They have a carefully controlled diet of washing up water and a quick squirt from the hose occasionally. Several of my flowering plants appear to be flowering at present. All due to the care and devotion I lavish upon them.

I’ve been drinking quite a lot of Green Tea these past few months. The recommendation is that it should be brewed at less than 90C. I was dutifully boiling the water then putting it in the mug for several minutes before dunking the tea bag. I decided to buy a food thermometer for a whole £1.95 from China just to see how long one should wait before inserting the tea bag. As it turns out, the water is below 90C almost as you pour it into the mug. With a chunk of lemming in there too, there is absolutely nothing to fear. I also bought a thermometer for my fridge as I was concerned that it might not be cold enough. It spends its time at around 5C – 6C depending on time of day.
I saw a lady cleaning the exterior toilets this morning. Georgia was also there supervising. The lady who has been looking after the cleaning at the camping for years is unable to do it this year. She has a disabled child who apparently have become quite sick meaning that the mother must concentrate all of her time on the child and give up work. I’m not sure how this new woman will turn out or whether she will stay the course even. A few Albanianised toilets is enough to put anyone off their breakfast.
The Albanians did actually clean the kitchen on Sunday. I suspect this activity may have been at the behest of Georgia. It is marginally less disgusting than previously however I would not rush to cook in there. I think both the kitchen, the washing up area and the bathroom could all do with being steam cleaned.
Obi didn’t come back from the walk this morning and has spent his day rushing around the camping with his little friend Micky. Together they have got into plenty of mischief. I should be able to reacquire him this evening when we go out. He will be condemned to life in the penitentiary for several days and nights. He has had it all his own way recently as both Luis and Fido have been confined to the SDC except at night. I will leave Obi there at night too. He may learn one day not to bugger off at the end of the walk. He will also be walking on the lead and generally ignored. That usually grabs their attention. Must have order amongst the troops!
The stack of charcoal outside the supermarket is still quite tall. I suspect there will be none left as Sunday approaches. The massive Greek BBQ of the year!
Georgia was loading up her pickup with chairs earlier. She informed me that there is a service to mark 40 days since the death of the chap who had an accident on his motorcycle.
Georgia brought me a saucepan full of very nice beans in sauce yesterday evening. Her mother had cooked it for her and some was left for me. I returned the saucepan as she was loading up. Yes, I did wash it up!