A little crazy

It’s been a little crazy today.

I did some work for Simon at LBS over the weekend as he has new staff starting today. I decided to tidy up some of the email settings which turned into an email crisis which hopefully I have sorted out.
The German/Italian couple, Ingo and Silvia, with their little girl, left this morning. I saw them off and they say they will try to come back to Grammeno at the end of the summer.
Some more Germans arrived to take their place and I didn’t know about them until I took out the dogs at around 19:15. I took the dogs to see them on the way back and we had a conversation about a long-term stay on the camping. They are departing tomorrow to go to Elafonissi but plan probably to return in the evening although they might prefer to stay at Elafonissi seing as it is free and very beautiful with hopefully no people yet.
Antonis is taking Dave and I to the vet in Chania. He will be arriving at 08:00 so that we get to Chania at a reasonable time. On Thursday, Antonis is taking Princes and I to see the vet in Paleochora for her neutering operation. She is not to be fed from the night before. She is not going to like that.
I have also been doing a couple of other things as well, so restful the day has not been.
I really need to get this email problem finally sorted out for Simon so must get on with this now.