Another warm day

We have as yet to make it to 30C but we managed 28.2C today.

I chatted with Matthew this morning for a little while. We discussed his new venture which he is determined to get underway with maximum haste. There is a show at Laughton at the end of the month so he intends to complete the two vans currently under construction so that they can be taken to the show. I have to get a website up and running by then so that he can hand out cards to prospective purchasers. At the show last year, he actually managed to sell a van there and then.
He says that he enjoyed his holiday in Thailand and returned complete with wife and daughter. They have come to an understanding and hope to be able to live together in reasonable accord whilst learning to communicate more effectively. Some marriage guidance needed here I suspect.
As I was about to sit down with an orange, Mikhalis arrived with a couple from Belgium, their dog and a fairly large motorhome. They said they were only staying for one night so paid cash upfront. The man came to see me a while later to say they plan to stay at least another night. I took sun loungers to the young German couple by the beach and told them not to fight over who was to have which colour. I had to hose the loungers off first as they have been in the store room all winter so are very dusty. They were playing pocket battleships as I arrived with the loungers.
Ursula and Tony will arrive in twelve days so I’ll have some dog walking help for a couple of weeks. Soon after they leave, Janne and Erica will arrive for the first two week tranche of their holiday. As I may have mentioned previously, they are going back to Stockholm for two weeks to spend time in their holiday ‘cottage’. They will then return to Grammeno for a further three weeks.
The Aloe Vera I planted for them had a narrow escape over the weekend when the people in T1 decided to park their nice BMW under the tree opposite Janne and Erica’s van. Fortunately they saw the plant so didn’t run it over. I plan to put a few big rocks around it to deter other people from parking on the plant.
The couple in T2 complained about the noise coming from the new Cabin construction not far from them. They thought it was a bit unreasonable to have to put up with the sound of banging and an angle grinder when they are there for a holiday and a rest. I have passed on their concerns to Maria who will hopefully instruct Mikhalis to do his more noisy work later in the day.
Just as I feared that all the rubbish outside my gate would be moved away, I can relax as it is still all there. I’m not sure what the customers think when they see this big pile of wood and other rubbish left under the trees. It’s a shame when the remainder of the camping is looking so smart. It would also be good to get rid of the old car, the abandoned caravan and the former ‘kitchen’ van which has simply been towed up the site and left near the car park.
A certain Obi did a runner after this mornings walk and failed to report back at the end. I found him running around the camping causing havoc with Micky. They were also barking outside the camping as well. Consequently he has been placed in the Small Dog Enclosure with Luis and Fido and removed from his position of luxury where he can lounge in solitude inside the van. It’s a bind as I’ll have to walk him on the lead for a few days which is a nuisance for both him and me.