Albanians in the bathroom

It seemed to be knee-deep in Albanians when I went for a shower just now. They were tarting themselves up for a night out on the town in Darkest Paleochora. This lot are much quieter than the ones last year who came back at silly o’clock with their little friends and their noisy cars. With the amount of sunshine at present, there is also plenty of hot water from morning right through. I still tell the customers not to leave it too late in the day for a hot shower.

There is a bit of a breeze on at present. It was quite windy this morning too so I was glad to be wearing a coat. I felt a bit over-dressed but I needed it when sitting out on the rocks at the end of the promontory. As well as my winter shirts, all of my long trousers are packed up until November. Shorts all the way from now on. I wear the thicker, longer shorts, that Ursula brought out last year, and then short, nylon shorts until evening. Even with the wind, the ‘feels like’ temperature is only a degree lower than the actual.
Georgia was about this morning and insisted on showing me her choice of colours for the dining room furniture. We agreed that we didn’t like the colour of the floor stain to the bar but, short of stripping it all off, I think there is little to do but get over it. She thanked me for holding the fort during their various absences and for taking care of the punters. She mentioned that the bar would open soon and snacks would also be available. The restaurant will open later on. The inspectors have signed everything off which make her happy. We also discussed the nice job Stavros has done in the camping with the grounds, flowers, irrigation etc. I commented that he worked hard and thoroughly. Stavros is a couple of years younger than me as we were discussing our respective ages as we dragged everything out of the storeroom the other day.
The Belgian couple left this morning so I stamped and signed their ACSI bonus card: they get a free night when it’s full. They have plenty of time and don’t really need to use a camping anyway as their van has everything they require. They just need to stay now and again so they can get water and perhaps do some washing. They showed me their route which was all carefully worked out on a map of the island. I gave them my details in case they know of any suitable adoptive family in Belgium willing to have a Grammeno Dog.
The young German couple, which arrived on Sunday, are still here, and were munching their breakfast as I passed by. Micky was making sure that any food they happened to drop would not go to waste. I put their washing in the machine and took it back to them later. I didn’t see them around so left it in a big bucket near their tent.
My tomatoes are getting bigger however I’m a little concerned by the colour of some of the leaves. The ones I planted out the other day seem to be catching up and should hopefully start to grow now that they are in a bigger area. Growing tomatoes here is not too difficult as there is plenty of sun.