Interesting clouds today

We had an evening walk yesterday as it was cool with even a few spots of rain. The first evening walk since Friday. I’d said we’d go at 19:15 but I wandered down to find Pietro playing ball to kill time before the walk. We went earlier as there was no one about on the beach or promontory. He’d been waiting patiently for quite some time so I understand. We took the dogs to the end of the promontory and let most of them off for a run about before returning to the camping. We fed them straight away as Pietro’s evening meal was nearly ready. He passed the bowls to me and I filled them up. Later his daddy came to bring him back for his supper. I put them all to bed before going for a shower in the main bathroom as it had been to cool and windy for al fresco showering.

It was a bit dull to start off this morning but not cold or windy. We did our walk without incident and were back by 07:30. This morning I went to the supermarket wearing thick shorts and a fleece. We are definitely having some wonky weather.

Ursula said that I need to sort the weather out before next week or there will be trouble!
As far as I can make out, neither Georgia nor Maria are in the camping again today. I bumped into the girl who is serving in the restaurant as I emptied the mailbox at the office this morning. She and the barman were packing up as we left for the evening walk yesterday as there was no one about due to the cloudy, windy weather. I noticed that the Ammos Beach Bar next door was all closed up too. No point in hanging around if no one will come. It seems there are no villas let at Cedar Bay although some were a while back. I’m sure there were more lettings last year at this time. I think tourists are more likely to come here than to go to Turkey, Egypt or Morocco.
For the past two days Pea has been left in the SDC. It gives his mummy a rest from being pestered by him and also provides him with experience of being with the bigger dogs. He spends a lot of time under the pallet where it’s cool and he’s out of the way. Princess is in the main compound as she jumps over the SDC fence anyway by climbing onto the roof of the large house house and jumping over. She behaves herself so it’s not much of a problem. Like them all, she barks a bit when the evening comes and the day cools down.
I’ve been doing a little more work on Matthew’s website and have started it off at least. He’s going to this show at the end of the month so there needs to be something even if it’s not completely finished.
You should be able to view the website here. This is merely the beginning of the site to create some sort of a Web presence.
My weather website informs me there is some thunder about. Certain there are enough interesting clouds to support a thunderstorm. There have been a few flashes over by Gavdos, just to the south-east of Grammeno.
Annoying, noisy Millie has been removed from the SDC and confined to her house since she is the main culprit in the evenings. She certainly has a loud voice!