As it turned out…

We might just as well have gone for a walk yesterday evening as the Grammeno bar was deserted and the Ammos Beach bar was closed. The promontory appeared to be deserted. Later, once all were safely in bed, I took Dave for a little walk ‘around the block’ which is out the camping onto the beach, along to the beach car park past CBV and then round the perimeter of the field which is to the east of the site. We could see that the sheep are still in session, the fence is still closed and the beach kantina looks desolate. Dave had not been on a walk since Thursday evening so I felt he might like a solo outing.

This morning I was awoken at 05:30 so we were walking well before 06:00. It was quite blustery and I could see lightning over the mountains to the northeast. There were large black clouds heading southeast and a little drizzle as we walked along. As I was about to gather them all together, something caused half of the dogs to rush off down the Promontory in the direction of the camping. It may have been Micky but I was unable to see. Interestingly, when the others returned, Obi and Minnie seemed to have ‘got lost’ somewhere along the line. I brought the others back to the camping and fed them. Minnie and Obi had to deal with the fact that the dining room was closed by the time they returned. Minnie was wandering the camping when I went to see off Lau and I found Obi and a bone accompanied by Micky on the beach. I played with Micky for a bit before bringing Obi and his bone back to the compound. Moments later I saw Princess making her way to her favourite corner of the compound with Obi’s bone.

I noticed a new beach shower enclosure by the gate from the camping to the beach. The shower has been fixed and it looks very posh. Previously there was just a pallet standing under a shower rose attached to a metal water pipe sticking out of the ground.


The sun is quite strong and the sky is relatively clear. It’s also very windy with gusts to 50km/h.

The new ‘metal’ wooden tent is progressing slowly and a canopy is being erected. I seriously doubt that it will be ready by Wednesday lunchtime when Ursula and Tony arrive.