I think summer may be back

I forgot to send the email with the link to yesterday’s blog post which you should have received this morning. I wrote the post and then the email but forgot to press send on the email. You probably found the post anyway.

Yesterday evening was quite cool and there was a bit of a chilly breeze when Ursula and I took the dogs out for the evening walk. We had a cup of tea before departing so went a little later. She and Tony went to Houmas restaurant for a meal and I got on with feeding, putting to bed and dealing with Dave’s requirements. He didn’t come on the evening walk as it’s a bit too warm for him, so needed a little trot round the block to assist his constitution. We were only half-way round when I heard barking wafting over the field towards me. I turned around and we returned more quickly than perhaps Dave would have preferred. Naturally Luis was one of the culprits, the other was unknown but either Heidi or Minnie. All was very quiet once I had made my feelings felt and I got on with having something to eat as it was getting quite late.

I was awake at 05:00 and at 25 past sent a text to Ursula who replied immediately: she was standing outside the gate moments later. I got the first lot ready so she departed whilst I marshalled the others. We had a very pleasant walk and were back later than had I been on my own. It’s a whole lot easier walking ‘only’ six dogs rather than the usual eleven. Ursula went to see if Tony was awake and go to the supermarket. I did the cleaning and watering followed by food for the dogs and a cup of tea for me.

I’ve been working on a blog site for Ursula which you can read here. There is not that much on it except for a post she put on her original blog site in the summer of 2015. In case you are unaware, Pig and Bear are stuffed toys that accompany them on their various trips. Fancy bringing such things on your trip! Not quite the same as a large stuffed kangaroo…

I have posted a couple of pictures taken this morning on our walk as well as a video of Ursula and Tony’s landing at Souda airport yesterday. The video is only about 90 seconds but you might find it interesting.

Some old guy out with his dogs early in the morning



Matthew’s website now has an improved contact form which is designed to prevent other computers from sending him spam emails. Hopefully it will be very busy this weekend with people queuing up to buy all of his Shepherds Huts. You can admire the exciting contact page here. It’s the bit which says “I’m not a robot” which is so important because it checks that the information entered into the form is consistent with a proper enquiry and not just some computer sending rubbish advertising messages. Well, I thought it was good anyway. You can try it out if you wish as I’m sure Matthew won’t mind.

The weather forecast for today promised a high of 25C but it nearly made it to 30C with a high of 29.6C still with a westerly breeze. In the morning I am facing west so that the sun doesn’t shine on my computer screen. I have been watching a build-up of large, white, fluffy clouds over the distant mountains. There was also an alert from the thunderstorm app on my iPad. I think the storm wandered off over the mountains to annoy people in other parts of the island as I’ve heard nothing recently.

Ursula and I have returned from the evening walk and I fed them whilst she and Tony took Dave for a trot around on the beach. They have now adjourned to the bar so I’m going to get something to eat.