The door is off! (Summer has arrived)

Despite predictions to the contrary, Ursula was standing outside the gate around 05:10 for her last morning walk until September. It was still dark and the flashing ball had been misappropriated by Millie to a location under the decking. Boris had to do with his traditional ball and I just threw it less far so that he could find it. I can’t throw the flashing ball with the thrower as it is too big to fit in the thrower. I have since relocated the flashing ball subsequent to my other activities under the decking. The walk went without incident and was as pleasant as usual. The dogs didn’t appear to be very animated and there were only a few who took the trouble to go and bark at Kostas: the others returning almost immediately. We were back at Grammeno before 07:00, the time stipulated as required to allow Ursula to do the final bits of packing and haul their remaining kit for storage until their visit in September.

They actually managed to leave on time for their trip to the airport. Princess slipped out of the gate so was also present to see them off.

I’d already fed the dogs, watered the compounds and plants and had a cup of tea. Fortunately Ursula went to the bakers for some bread. I’m going to miss my personal bread and grocery shopper and will have to go to the supermarket myself from now on. Sometimes Janne gets bread for me however I like fresh bread every day but he only goes every other day.

I decided to take down the tent sides and chose the hottest day to do it. The sides are now all washed and packed away in their valise in the storeroom. The temperature made progress a little slow as it was hard work standing in the sun. The summer sides are all up and the van door is off and standing in the storeroom until the end of October, hopefully!

Taking down the awning sides dramatically increases the living space. The south side goes out over 80% of the decking. Sitting under the sun shade on a hot day is hard work and it can get quite warm under the awning too. The high for today was 36.1°C with 39.2°C under the awning. The highest under awning temperature so far this years is 42.6°C.

Since the rain last Thursday there has been an explosion in the fly population including biting flies. Dave and Boris seem to suffer more than the smaller dogs. I saw Fido vainly trying to keep the flies from biting Dave’s ears. Fido was licking one ear and then transferring to the other as the number of flies increased. I dosed both dogs with Advantix which should deal with biting insects. I put the product on Boris’ head and ears and the number of flies seemed to have reduced since I looked last. The flies have been bothering the other dogs as well. I water the compounds daily when it’s hot and remove any poo several times each day. I have a bucket with a lid which I empty in my secret poo-emptying location.

18:00 approaches: there is now a small breeze and the sun is less powerful.

19:20 and the under-awning temperature has fallen to a more comfortable 32°C. I think I should clear up some of the clutter now that my living space has expanded.