I’m not sure…

I didn’t see any vehicles in the car park but this was not due to a lack of moon or cloudy skies. What is left of the moon rose at 05:34 so was no match for the gathering daylight. It is dark at 05:15 however there is usually enough light for walking unless the sky is heavily overcast. Some of the dogs disappeared to bark at something: it might have been Micky or another dog but I didn’t see any sign of FreeLoaders this morning. Obi is AWOL and there was a lot of barking coming from the camping at 06:00 which sounded like the same dog that was barking last night. I wasn’t able to make out which one it was and I felt that going nearer to see might make things worse. The barking from the camping stopped as we were coming back across the beach. We’re all back now, cleaned and watered but not fed so far. Except for some little pieces of bread, dipped in oil residue from my plate, which I give them when I wash up my things from the previous evening. Dave has had his food, together with his injection. He gets his morning pill before we go out. He knows when I come into the storeroom and get his tablet out of the old freezer where I store his medication. I simply reach my hand into the entrance of his house and he takes the tablet from me. None of this disguising it to fool him into taking it.

Reading the Guardian, I came upon this article about the new French President Emmanuel Macron. He gave an interview to a number of press agencies recently. If he is able to keep to what he says he will do I feel that France will make progress and the EU will too. Especially if Germany and France for a strong alliance and bring about much-needed reform in the EU. It is a pity that UK decided to leave the EU rather than to make an effort to improve things. Democracy is a wonderful thing so long as you don’t involve people.

Sigi’s new computer is running and we have restored her data from backup. It now remains for her to decide what she really needs as I’m sure she has collected loads of useless stuff just like everyone else. We plan to take another look at the computer when she gets up. This is unlikely to be very early as apparently there was a bit of a party last night.

Today we are supposed to be installing a camera in the bar but as this is a Greek appointment it could take place anytime in the next three months or so. Something else usually comes up and things don’t tend to quite work out as expected.

No other excitements are planned for today. The dogs are quiet so it seems a shame to disturb them in order to feed them but Princess is hinting about something which might be to do with food. Obi still has not returned so he may miss out on breakfast this morning. Generally, the dogs don’t seem to be eating a lot at the moment and this is not just because I am giving them less to eat.

There are plenty of flies about this morning although fewer of the biting kind unless I am mistaken.

I have reacquired Obi, who, as expected, was with his little fiend Micky, running around the camping. I bumped into a bedraggled  Maria who appeared to have just got out of bed and was wandering around with a duvet. I asked if she’d seen Obi but she disclaimed all knowledge.

Mikhalis’ brother tells me the proposed camera installation today is postponed although I didn’t fully understand the reason, it might be due to more pressing jobs. There are not many people on the camping so I doubt the bar is staying open late anyway.

Sigi’s work computer is now up and running with her email accounts operating as expected. It is set up so that she can write in the three languages she speaks: German, English and Greek. Windows 10 is well adapted to dealing with nearly every language and includes dictionaries and special keyboards. Looking through the list, there are languages I’ve never heard of! Sigi’s family have guest rooms in the centre of Paleochora as well as a clothes shop and an olive grove. Her mother-in-law and Manolis, her husband look after the rooms and Sigi does the bookings. Sigi and Manolis also run the shop. All of the family help with the oil.  You can see the family website here. Sigi kindly gave me a tin of their extra virgin oil when she brought the computer for resuscitation. She is also bringing me some of her excellent homemade jam. Yum!

Sigi also told me that a friend is looking for a dog! She has recommended he comes to check out my crew to see if there is anything compatible. Apparently he is the quiet type who is looking for a submissive dog so Charlie might be the one for him. If he prefers a girl then Minnie might be of interest. Heike tells me the English woman who was interested in their dog Goofy, has not been back to her so she might have had second thoughts.

Earlier, I was informed by Mikhalis’ brother that they have too many other things to do today so the camera installation has been postponed. It is quite hot so installing CCTV cameras is not top of my list. Loafing in my chair doing some computer work is much more my style. The current UAT (Under Awning Temperature) is 36.3°C and outside it is 31.9°C.

I noticed yesterday that the outside showers on the other side of this block have all been repaired and there’s not a drip in sight. The wooden floors might still be slippery when wet however.

More customers on site today, probably coming for a long weekend. A family have installed themselves under the trees north of me. The children are fairly young a quite lively which has lead to a certain amount of doggy excitement. Children’s voices and loud shouting are sure to get them going. Heidi and Oskar have probably been the most vocal today so I’ve had a couple of conversations with both of them at one time or another. Having customers on the campsite is most inconvenient and inconsiderate.



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