Happy Independence Day USA!

Happy 4 July 2017! Independence Day USA. I’m sure Mr Trump is enjoying the festivities despite North Korea’s latest missile test which, apparently, could possibly strike Alaska. Kim Jong Un is probably laughing his socks off, not so the South Koreans who have a small army deployed along their northern border.

Kostas was out this morning as it has been a few days since I’ve seen him or evidence of his movements. He was a bit grumpy especially when Boris poked him in the leg with his stick. Obi, despite being free, stuck with the remainder of the party for most of the outing and it was only really Minnie who was a little tardy with her return – she met us as we were walking back. Boris’ paw seems a little better as he appears to be walking more easily.

I contacted Heike about the approaching dog transportation to UK. She was hoping I might come into Paleochora for a chat but I mentioned that it was not easy for me to come in at this time of the year. We have to sort out the logistics of getting the dogs seen by a vet who can fill in their Pet Passport to say that they have been wormed more than 24 hours before their arrival in UK but no more than 5 days. There is a vet who comes into Paleochora on a Monday and Tuesday. She was quite creative and helpful when I brought the first four with me in the van back to UK. Millie’s passport was issued in August last year as she was supposed to be going to Germany. Heidi needs an update for hers and they both need the worming certificate.

Janne was busy again today. Lots of banging around on the fence and some screwdriver work. I was writing an email so didn’t go to investigate. I now know that he has put boards on the bottom of the fence to match those either side of the ‘removable sections’. Georgia insisted that the fence be constructed with two removable panels in the centre. Janne went to a lot of effort to make the two centre panels removable yet strong enough to resist the wind, which they weren’t. During the Antonis reinforcing upgrade last August, he made it so the supports could be removed with the panels. Since then I have added the Boris compound as well as the southern fence which was installed at the same time as the other compound fences over a year ago. Added to that we have now put the new network cable across on the wire fence. This cable goes from the storeroom to the bar/restaurant for the Internet and the camera. I think we can safely say that the fence will be moved only under extremely exceptional circumstances. It is now impossible for the dogs to see under the fence which should hopefully reduce their need to bark at any hapless visitor on the other side. Or maybe they will just bark more randomly just in case there is someone there they cannot see.

Janne and Erica are going away tomorrow to stay overnight at a location on the west coast. They plan to leave around 09:00 tomorrow returning the following day. They are flying back to Stockholm on Sunday to start their two week vacation at their summer cottage. I feel sure Janne will find plenty there to keep him busy. They return on 28 July for a further two weeks. I have been invited to join them for a meal at the camping restaurant to celebrate Janne’s birthday on 30 July when he will reach the tender age of 60.

Tony and Ursula are on their way back to UK following a few days at their house in France. The garden had inconsiderately grown plenty of lush grass, the hedges too. The cherry trees had considerately produced lots of cherries for them to eat and to take back to UK for the freezer and to evolve into jam. Ursula was sitting on the beach gazing at the approaching ferry when she was disturbed by a couple who directed her attention to Tony, who was flat out on the ground a few metres from their car, with blood issuing from his head. Neither Tony, nor anyone else, for that matter, knows how he got to be there however the cut head is unlikely to be life-threatening. I suspect Tony might have enjoyed a fairly ‘relaxing’ lunch beforehand which could possibly be a contributory factor. In any even, bumps on the head should be seen by a doctor in order to rule out any complications.

The dogs were getting fussy so I decided to feed them a little early. Due to the warm weather I have been steadily reducing their food. Added to that, some of them were putting on a little weight. I carefully put out the food on the table then went to give Boris his before going into the compound to feed the others. It was only when I got into the compound that I saw Oskar, who had already stuffed all of his food, munching his way through everyone else’s. I shoved him off the table and then unceremoniously locked him in Millie’s cage. There he now stays until bedtime! I refilled the bowls and repeated the procedure. The weather is now cooler so they are more hungry but some still need to lose a little weight.

No sign of Xanthipos today although I have heard the Grammeno Ferrari in action although not Mikhalis’ pickup. I suspect he has not been here today for some reason. A day off to do something else – surely not! This is a 7/7 sixteen hour day commitment. Whatever next?

I can report that the toilet paper crisis in the Hexecutive bathroom has been averted and that it now functions as expected.

Lots of scratching and scraping behind me suggests that a dog is trying to force a dog meat tin lid through the much smaller wire of the fence. This is a futile activity which should not be interrupted as it keep the scrapee and any spectators wonderfully amused until bedtime.

The others seem relaxed although Millie is quite interested in what Pea is up to. He is mooching around the compound looking for mischief. Oskar, as mentioned is incarcerated and Obi and Princess are resting under the decking or in the van.

The flies are still quite bothersome although less so now that the sun is behind the building. I am now wearing a polo shirt as it is too cool without one. The wind, which has gusted to a maximum of 51.1km/h today seems to be calming. The maximum temperature was 34.7C reduced to 26.4C now.

I need to do a large download onto the EG servers.





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