Happy 14 July (Bastille Day)

Antonis came on a rescue mission to help me reduce the number of beers in my fridge. I also needed to give him some money for Dave’s meds and food as well as Heidi’s passport. A prospective new job was the rationale for his Chania visit. He told me that a man was killed by a shotgun the other day. Apparently he was trying to break into his father’s house, fearing he was in difficulties, and got shot. The father, thinking it was an intruder, shot him with his shotgun. The son was the local meter reader, hence a new one is needed. Antonis knows Stavros who works at the electric company and it is he who put Antonis up for the job. Having dutifully assisted me in the reduction of my beer stocks, he left with Heidi’s passport and money for the food and drugs. I forgot to ask him to assist me in measuring the frame for the sail shade.

Yesterday was warm with a high of 37.7C which, without much wind, was very hot. It remained hot all night so I ended up sleeping outside until around 03:00 whereupon I came in to swelter until 05:30, the present alarm time. I was sweltering in my sleep so it was fairly painless. Getting up and out for the walk was just more of the same as the temperature remained around 30C for most of the time. There was one car in the beach car park which I thought I recognised. In fact it belonged to the Parrot Fish men and the boy who accompanies them. They were just moments ahead of us. We followed them down and I released the less-crazy of the bunch who took little notice of them. We didn’t hang about too much as it was so warm and went instead to the Small Beach. They bathed and played and Obi and Minnie disappeared. Boris swam for his ball and his foot is a little better today. By home time Minnie had reappeared however Obi not. We met up with him just as we got back: teamed up with is old pal Micky.

Hearing a load of barking, near the entrance to the camping later, I went to reacquire him however Maria in the office claimed to have not seen him for an hour or so. Later I returned with Millie to find Obi and Micky chasing cars out in the road. Obi came quietly and was duly escorted back to the compound where he has spent most of the day sleeping under the van. A busy morning requires some catching up.

My card company alerted me that Antonis had collected the food and medication for Dave and this was followed by a call from the vet in Maleme. He issued Heidi’s passport when Malloy got his so Heike suggested I go back to him. He called me and did what was required. Only need to get the booking confirmation on Saturday and Heidi and Millie are good to go.

Antonis appeared with the food and the passport and told me that he would hear the final offer on the job on Monday. He’d been out for an orientation exercise and read a few meters. Not really my idea of a suitable job for Antonis but he can do three day’s work in one so it leaves him free to do all the other things whilst providing a regular monthly income. I’m sure he will decided on Monday.

Today has been warmer than the forecast 37C and almost made it to 40C with a maximum of 39.9C. It is also windier than forecast. There are fewer flies today so it looks like Mikhalis’ work is bearing fruit.

Millie has been banished to her crate for significant, compulsive barking syndrome so is now considering her misfortune. She appeared so excited when I got her out of the compound that it seemed a shame to have to put her in her crate. She’s so incredibly soppy and bouncy.

I took the liberty of using Janne’s sun platform, which is on top of his bathroom, to see if the stony beach kantina is open. I could see the tops of a couple of umbrellas from my vantage point. I am not able to see if the fence between the kantina and the field is open. If this is the case, I can finish clearing the Private Access and start using it. It will save having to go over the beach each morning and searching for renegade poo on the return run. There are a couple of stealth pooers in the group who manage to sneak one out when they get the opportunity.

Millie has gone over to make eyes at Boris but is now contenting herself with a good scratch. She is still out in the main compound as she was confined for barking. She loves the sound of her own voice. I’m now confining her to the decking to stop her from hanging around the gate and the northern fence. There is a family camped under the trees at the top of the camping with a German Shepherd. They were there last year about this time too. The dog is well trained so doesn’t wander off but occasionally has a bit of a moan if they are off and she is left on her own. Ample excuse for my lot of have a bark.





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