Full Moon!

This morning was Full Moon so there was plenty of light. We were able to see a beautiful moon reflecting in a calm sea. There was a gentle breeze but nothing to speak of. A slight chill in the air but few mosquitos. We ventured further into areas of the Promontory not visited in a while. Up to the highest point where Boris was still chasing after his ball, before descending to the Small Beach below. Not too many contestants for swimming although Boris, not having had sufficient exercise, got Ursula to throw his ball into the sea so that he could swim out after it. Princess, allowed freedom, at last, was a completely different colour having rolled in the sand after a swim. She raced off with the others when Micky was spotted and was next seen in the field as all the others were coming back. She followed us into the compound without hesitation so all was well.

Ursula produced another magnificent fruit salad which even Tony enjoyed before his chocolate croissant. There was some new Frog Spawn to accompany the fruit salad, however, the New Spawn was a little runnier than the previous day. Spawn is fairly neutral-tasting, so can accompany sweet or savoury dishes. It can be used as a substitute in making a vegan chocolate mousse which Ursula says she will soon try.

She purchased a Philips Air Fryer in France which provides a number of opportunities including grilling and baking. Heat is from top and bottom, circulated by a fan. The aim is to cook with the minimum of oil.

Today, Ursula prepared roasted vegetables which were extremely tasty. I picked up the aroma as I walked towards their cabin and suggested other customers might appear brandishing their knives and forks! Whilst we enjoyed the vegetables, she put on some chips which were ready in around fifteen minutes. It’s a really handy device given the flexibility and the types of foods which can be prepared, especially when camping.

Georgia appeared to say hello and mentioned that she’d been unable to view the video from the bar since the previous day. I had updated the software so needed to update her horribly slow computer. Hopefully, this will eventually be replaced with something slightly more modern. Trying to work with it remotely is like wading through molasses!

Here are some pictures from earlier today.


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