Maria’s nephew and niece

Walking past the office just now, on the Dave and Obi walk, Maria was talking to her sister on the phone. Maria had just received some photos of her nephew and niece who are quite young. The nephew always seems to be smiling however his sister is more serious. We flicked through the pictures until the phone rang again whereupon I made my escape.

Both Tony and Ursula came for tea this evening although I offered Tony some wine as I suspected he might find that more interesting than tea. Later, Tony went off and Ursula helped me to feed the dogs and put them to bed.

This morning’s walk was a little later than usual as I lazed around in bed until 05:25! Ursula left the camping gate just after 05:00 so had plenty of time to contemplate the night sky before the rabble arrived to disturb her peace. As it happened, I had woken up at 04:45 to the sound of Obi pattering up and down in the van. I graciously explained that it was too early, then went back to sleep.

Whilst out at the end of the Promontory, gazing at the sky, we could see approaching clouds. The thought crossed my mind that there could actually be rain. As it turned out, only a few minutes later, there were a few drops of rain but I suspect the dogs didn’t even notice. As it became lighter, we moved up to the sandy area for a better view of the sky and the mountains. The dogs were even more potty than usual, chasing each other around at a terrific pace. They seemed to be playing hare and hounds, switching roles as the mood took them. At one point, they disappeared for a few minutes only to return wet, and covered in sand. Princess was a totally different colour altogether. Boris meanwhile, continued to bring back his new flashing ball which Ursula was throwing for him. She sat down in the sand only to have an exhausted Boris flop down beside her, ball in mouth. Princess came to the rock where I was sitting and rolled on her back expecting me to rub her tummy. I explained that she would only get her ears rubbed as it was not into soggy, sandy white dogs.

In the afternoon, Tony and Ursula braved the heady excitement of Downtown Paleochora and went to the pizza place for a salad each. Ursula had met the waitress previously when visiting Petrakis supermarket. It transpired that this woman has adopted not only several dogs but horses too. She must be spending a good proportion of her wages to feed that lot.

It was definitely not as hot today as it was yesterday. It was a bit cloudy with a maximum of 32.2C. Not a bad temperature but a little humid at times. The forecast now contemplates the possibility of a thunderstorm early next week.

The aroma of rice and spinach is permeating the inside of the van. There might also be some garlic and onion in there too. The recipe I looked at talked of chicken stock and sour cream but those two items were missed out. The pot is stilling on the stove with the gas off stewing in its own juices. I’ll let you know how it turns out.



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