Dark already…

The wind blew through the night and was still going strong when I got out of bed at 05:15. Not the most prepossessing experience at that time of the morning but needs must when there are ten dogs ready for their walk. That said, number ten hit the rush-hour traffic so didn’t join us until a little later. Something to do with sleeping through the alarm so Heidi informed me.

It was windy at the point so I was extremely glad of my windproof jacket and fleece underneath. I didn’t put up the jacket hood but the fleece I did. I suspect Ursula might be bringing her woolly hat in the morning as it will be a bit of a shock to her system having dragged herself out of her down sleeping accommodation.

We all played happily together until it was light enough to move up to the higher ground. One of Boris’ flashing balls is still hanging in there but the others have either been lost or given up the ghost. He relentlessly brings his ball back to Ursula to be thrown. Even though he is almost on his knees, he insists on going again. He was so tired on the return leg, he would have been going backwards if he’d gone any slower!

Back at the Factory, tea and breakfast. Ursula, Anne and Tony went up to Azogires, an old haunt of Anne’s and one of her listed visits for the trip. I was tied up with support calls for most of the morning but joined them for lunch at Anydri. How could I pass up that opportunity? A bit like expecting Luis to pass up the opportunity to bark at someone or something!

An extremely pleasant lunch at the Schoolhouse restaurant before a gentle drive down the Anydri Gorge back to Paleochora and thence to Grammeno.

A brief interlude for another support call then off out to take the dogs for their evening walk. Still windy but sunny and warm out of the wind. We bumped into an English couple who have been coming to Crete for many years. The dogs managed not to bark at them and we had a sensible conversation without interruption. They have another week of holiday before going back to UK.

Down to the end of the Promontory and back to the camping across the field. Not enough to fulfil my 10,000 step goal for the day so I’ll have to do better.

Anne’s last full day tomorrow so I suspect we will be taking a second look at The Third Eye restaurant at lunchtime. It’s just one continuous round of eating out! Maybe I should consider increasing my step goal to counteract the weight gain?

Despite the wind, the top temperature for today is a respectable 28.8C: only slightly lower than yesterday. The low is 19.8C which occurred when we were out for the morning walk. It’s still 21C at 20:16 so I am sitting out under the awning to write this. I won’t be here much longer as I’m starting to feel chilly.

The camping is still quite busy although I understand the restaurant has closed for this season. The bar continues but he’s not rushed off his feet!


Maria rushed out of the office as I approached with Dave and Obi, went to her car to produce a parcel from China which she had kindly collected from the post office. She said there was another docket from them and she tried to collect that too. They searched in vain but the parcel was nowhere to be found. I’m not expecting a large parcel but I’m sure it will turn up.


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