Anne leaves for UK

The Boris Serenade began at 03:45 today. I am going to give him camomile tea and a pair of slippers so that he wakes up later. I politely advised him to go back into his house and to chill out until at least 05:30! He obliged so it was only the mosquito whining over my head to keep me awake from then on.

Having divided the dogs for the previous evening’s walk, I forgot one of the leads until I came to use it so allowed Charlie to be our outrider. I had a 10m lead in my pocket but felt that, with nine dogs, it might get in the way.

Boris didn’t get lost but played happily with his ball, having mislaid the first. The flashing balls are becoming quite unreliable and only seem to want to flash once it starts to get lighter. I have ordered ten new flashing balls from China. They should get here by Christmas hopefully.

We wanted to get back on time so that Anne could get to the airport to catch her flight. I went to say goodbye just after eight and so off they went to Chania. Anne should be back in Bristol hopefully.

Tony, Heidi and Ursula went for a walk near the lake they had hoped to visit last week when they collected Anne from Souda.

This time they managed to find it and had time to walk around it. Apparently, it serves as a reservoir for the surrounding area. They are headed back to Grammeno at the moment.

I have been busy with little jobs and don’t quite know where the day has disappeared to. I’m also not quite sure what I’ve actually done but I feel certain it must have been very important. I took Dave for a little wander at one point as it’s cool enough for him to venture out during the day without collapsing into a black, panting heap.

I know that some of the time was spent trying to track down a missing parcel with Royal Mail. Filling in the claim form was tedious. Hopefully, they will find the item and send it on. Or, if not, pay the compensation.

This evening, lots of French 4X4 vehicles arrived in the camping. They come about this time each year. It is one of their regular stopover places as they drive around the island. They are all sitting outside at a long table eating, drinking and talking. They have put some very bright LED lights up in the trees and so it looks very festive.

The camping is still busy, for the time of year. I understand the restaurant now has a reprieve until Sunday, then another review. The bar may continue dependant on the weather and the number of punters.

Today’s high is 28.8C and the low 20C. It has been a little windy but not excessively. The forecast for tomorrow is similar to today however the weekend looks to be cooler.


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