The Russians arrived

It was extremely blustery when we went out for the morning walk, I was not in much of a hurry to jump out of bed as I knew it might soon be raining. Fido was pleased to be let out as he needed to drink some of Dave’s water before leaving. Dave was up and about, waiting for his first medication of the day. Am I responsible for the institutionalisation of this dog?

There were plenty of distant flashes so I reckoned our time was limited. I spurred them on to get to the end of the Promontory as quickly as possible although they seem to have absolutely no sense of urgency at times. We went around the edge of the lagoon as I could see that the sea was breaking over the rocks at the crossing point. The idea of losing a dog in the sea on a dark morning was fairly low on my list of attractive propositions so we went up the cliff another way. Yet more flashing but no banging so far. I sat with the dogs at the top to admire the spectacle. Boris was busy with his ball so uninterested in the lightning. By this time it was starting to get light so the advancing black clouds were becoming more apparent. I guessed that we had only a limited time before we’d all be getting a shower. I gathered them up and we raced back to Grammeno. The rain was starting to fall in big drops so the exposed section of the return was quite exciting and I was getting wet! Back at the camping, all dogs were present so I closed the outside gate to let them off as quickly as possible before the heavens opened. Boris had just been returned to his enclosure when down came the rain accompanied by some exciting flashes and bangs. One particularly loud bang got a lot of them barking, however, Boris carried on with his solo for quite a while. I finally shut him up, once the storm had passed, by threatening him with an unpleasant outcome.

The storm passed and I went to the supermarket as there were several important items I needed. Mrs Vlisidis was on the till and I had not seen her for a couple of months. She was most interested in my watch and wanted to know all about it and where she might buy one. Dimitris also appeared and busied himself with some of the vegetables. I had already raked through the rather unsatisfactory selection of tomatoes and picked what I considered to be the best of the bunch. He told me to put them back and gave me a load of really battered ones for free. I needed quite a few things, including washing machine detergent, which was too large to fit in my cycle bags so was transported instead, on the handlebars. I cannot complain that the locals are unfriendly as I get a grilling each time I’m absent for a few days. I used to go every day for fresh bread but don’t do that anymore. Only every few days.

Xanthippos came with a couple of customers, walkers, from Russia. They have a small tent and wished to stay for only one night. They said they wanted one of the flat pitches by the beach but I advised them to choose a different place in case of a sudden downpour in the night. Heavy rain can cause some pitches to flood. I took their money and they pitched their tent. Xanthippos told me that he is no longer walking Georgia’s dogs at night time and only feeding them. Well, this is what I understood. He is not very direct when he speaks so I rather lost the thread of the conversation. Good for me as I can now go out with the dogs earlier if I wish.

After a chat with Jo on the phone, I turned on the water heater and then took out the dogs. There had been more rain during the afternoon so the decking was wet as was everything else. The temperature had dropped considerably due to the rain and subsequent humidity. Our walk was compact. We crossed over the point where the sea breaks over the rocks without losing any dogs or getting wet. The lagoon was filling up but not anything like as full as it gets. It needs a strong southwesterly gale to do that. We had a fairly brief but enjoyable walk and now they are all in bed. The rain has made the night rather cool so I expect some complaints.



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