He’s back!

Moon over snowy White Mountains.

A fairly uneventful night other than a little outburst from Luis and Princess. There was a short shower around 05:30 but only enough to dampen the sand so we went for our walk as usual.

The moon was heading towards the western horizon but obscured by clouds. A few stars managed to struggle through. We walked along the rocks despite the westerly wind. Not the case later in the day. I only ran four laps of my circuit today as I knew I’d be going into Paleochora later and would get plenty of exercise battling the wind.

Dave, Mickey and Five enjoyed their walk and then I went into to Paleochora to get a few things. I went a bit mad in the vegetable department and could only just get it all into the pannier on the back of my bike. Yannis helpfully suggested a small trailer but added it might make my travel times somewhat longer. As it was, against the wind, it was something like 20 minutes. I just went with it as I could see there was no sense in struggling.

The day was mostly warm and sunny despite the wind. I was quite busy with IT work and prepared a report for Terry regarding the EG IT shambles at Bucks County Museum. Terry is going to wage war on them tomorrow with the possibility of EG withdrawing completely from the museum.

The afternoon DMF and evening walks went according to plan although we had an uneventful encounter with Xanthippos on the return leg.

The evening brought some customers! I’d been forewarned of their impending arrival by an email from Maria. A couple of rented motorhomes with two Italian family groups travelling the island for a week during the Christmas break. Four adults, five children and two vans. They were very pleasant, came in, parked up one van before leaving for Paleochora to get something to eat. They asked about restaurants but I suggested they take a look around to see what was open.

When I arrived on the scene, Manolis was directing operations and seemed to have it all in hand. I asked him if he was going to carry on as I felt it didn’t need two of us there. He promptly disappeared and left me to sort them all out.

Obi has voted with his feet and seemed very eager to resume his position in the van this evening. I’d closed the door before the evening walk and left him under the awning when we came back, however, he briskly jumped in as soon as I reopened the van door when I returned from my shower. He’s had to put up with the indignity of being on the lead for three walks, as well as having to run behind me this morning. One more day of that should make him pay attention, at least for a little while.

Tonight is windy but certainly not cold. Rain is forecast for the coming twenty-four hours, particularly during this night. There were some very interesting clouds silhouetted against the moon when I went to give Mickey and Five their last wee-walk. I noticed too that the entrance lights and sign were out as I wandered past. The switch was in the off position when I went into the power panel outside the gate. I’ll have to keep an eye on that as it’s either an electrical fault or possibly some form of human interference.

Raw food tonight as I’ve eaten a lot of cooked food recently. I’d bought loads of stuff to make soup but ended up too busy to do it.


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