A very rainy day

It was around 04:00 that the rain started to fall with varying intensity. I’d been woken by the lightning and decided to put Boris in the storeroom as I had a feeling there was thunder on the way. The rain continued well after the normal getting-up time so I was able to have a lie-in until 07:00.

We went for our walk and I was able to run three laps of my six before the ran began again. I decided I could do without a repeat of last week’s drowned dog event and so made sure we were back before the rain set in. They were just about to be fed when down it came. The upshot was that breakfast didn’t occur until around 13:00 due to the continuing rain.

I worked on archiving mail under the awning whilst the dogs huddled in their houses. At least they’d had a walk of sorts whereas Boris had neither walk nor food. He was happy to see me when I went into the storeroom during a lull in the rain.

Later, the sun came out so I was able to take Boris for a walk around the Promontory. I took the opportunity to finish the final three laps of my run although that still left me with a lot to do. Not helped by the fact that only yesterday, I increased my Move goal from 2,900KJ to 3,000. Only 100KJ but still a bit of a pain when you’re scratching around at the end of the day to finish them off.

More rain fell after the Boris walk so I put him back into the storeroom.

Later the sky cleared and there was a little sun so I took them all out for an extended evening walk to make up for the shortened morning one. I also needed to close my rings. Unsuccessful though I was, the walk was enjoyable and they were all fed and in bed quite quickly.

Obi got taken on an additional walk as I still had 360KJ in order to complete my daily goal. We went to the end of the Promontory and back as well as down to the stony beach bar.

There was a little hazy moon and some stars when I gazed out to sea from the beach. Flashes of lightning show that the storms which have been with us for most of the day since early morning are not far away. I think they may return which is why Boris finds himself back in the storeroom. Fido, who is on Dave’s old line so that he can go in and out, was to be found snuggled up on the pile of hay when I went out with Obi. Fido was invited to join us on the walk but preferred to say with his bed of hay.

Altogether, 19mm rain fell today.


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