No more rain!

Today it didn’t rain!

It was warm and mostly sunny with a few clouds. I took Boris for a walk not wearing a coat. I wore a coat when I took the others afterwards.

This morning we walked, ran and walked as usual. I rode to Paleochora to Petrakis to pick up some beers for Lau as he so kindly took me to look for my phone yesterday and for Xanthippos some tobacco for actually organising the recovery of my phone.

Xanthippos, Lau and I had a chat in the warm morning sun as we made a fuss of Πέντε. She is never one to refuse to have a fuss made of her. At one point she was lying full-length on my lap as I sat in one of Lau’s chairs.

I had a bit of a lazy day after the exertions of yesterday but managed to fit in some IT work before getting a shower and taking Boris, accompanied by Obi, for an evening walk. It was extremely pleasant as we wandered down towards the end of the Promontory in the afternoon sunshine. Boris and I actually sat on the beach for a few minutes as Obi sniffed around on the shoreline. Boris’ back legs are improving although I suspect he is still glad to get back to his house after his walk.

The others went out after but this time we sat for a while on the rocks at the end of the Promontory watching the sun creep towards the westerly horizon.

They had no meat last night as I forgot it was Wednesday so we had it tonight instead. I’m not certain they care about the day, more about the meat.

They were all tucked up in bed before it was properly dark. I noticed one of the gas bottles in the central kitchen had been left outside so I went with a refill. Manolis had fortunately brought two refills this morning so now we’re only one up.

The Albanians, like the Macbeth witches, were huddled around their cauldron of bubbling food (?). Naturally, they were ensuring any possible nutritional benefit was evaporated with the clouds of steam billowing upwards. It’s amazing what the human body will survive!

On this note, I shall prepare some food, requiring absolutely not cooking, as I think of the Albanians chomping their way through their culinary delights.


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