It may ‘mud’ later

As Ursula popped her head around the storeroom door at 06:00, I thrust three dog leads into her hand. She set off through the camping towards the Promontory.

I rounded up the other four leaving Boris to his lie-in as is his wont. Following yesterday’s barkathon, I felt it better to let off only a couple of dogs in case the person or thing which caused all the excitement yesterday evening, had returned. As it turned out it was all for nothing.

We walked to the end, I took the dogs over the rocks whilst Ursula walked round to the other side, then we ran. The dogs and I ran and Ursula completed four anti-clockwise walking laps of the running circuit.

Boris was escorted by the same crew as yesterday as we went out on the next walk. I cycled to Paleochora against a strong easterly wind and Ursula went for some shopping. I turned around and came straight back again as I needed nothing from the shop.

We had breakfast outside under a cloudy sky then I wandered off in case there was a Monday morning IT rush.

There were a couple of calls today but I was able to upload some music to Ursula’s iPhone in between times.

Ursula and Tony went out to Paleochora and I decided I would set up the POE network switch which Ursula so kindly brought over to me from UK. The POE switch has rid me of lots of power packs, cables and other paraphernalia, leaving just the UPS, NVR some power outlets and a switch on the shelf. I look forward to relocating it outside near to the ground, on the storeroom wall, to save having to climb up inside the storeroom to access it all.

The switch from the storeroom has now been transferred to the office as has the Network controller. This makes sense as it is now all nearer to the router and the Internet. Things are beginning to take shape, I have just to get on with come cabling.

I had an extremely warm shower thanks to putting the electric heater on. It has been overcast all day so I knew there would be no solar water. I trust the Albanians are suitably grateful.

Ursula now has my old MacBook set up in their van so that she can write her blog, listen to music and watch some programs with Tony.

All three of us walked the dogs in the gentle rain. The sky is full of dust so I expect it will be more of a ‘mud’ than a rain! If it comes down, everything will be covered in Sahara dust. Someone is going to get it!

The reincarnated spinach and rice is reheating over a saucepan of water. I shall remember to put the lemon on it this time!




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