Reclaiming the camping

Work goes on in the camping in preparation for the coming season. All three of the static vans (T1-T3) have been facelifted although I note that the rear of T1 has yet to be finished.

The caravan which used to be parked next to the IsoBox has migrated to a location close to the entrance of the camping. Not that far away from the IsoBox. This is in preparation for the impending construction of two larger, four-person small cabins. A far more efficient use of resources than building and fitting out all new chalet buildings and having to either sell or relocate the existing T1-T3. The plan is to build another two or three larger four-person cabins near to T2. An interesting concept now that the larger caravan is also there.

The bar floor is getting a sanding as that is quite worn even after one year. I am not too fond of the colour so I’m hoping for something more sympathetic to the eye. As far as I’m aware, there are no other works scheduled for the bar area.

I have suggested the Tony and Ursula take Ξ3 and not Ξ2 as I think the construction of the new four-person cabins could be quite disturbing. I will break the news to Maria in the morning so she will have to get out her rubber to amend her various sheets of paper. I’m not sure it will be an easy process moving Maria to a more up-to-date system.

On Tuesday I am going to have a presentation and demonstration of a commercial online campsite software. I shall be interested to see what it’s like and whether it fills the bill. If so I then have to convince Georgia of the need to pay for it and Maria the need to use it. I feel something more advanced which can be accessed by everyone via the Internet is called for. Pieces of paper and phone calls to check availability are not very efficient and customers need to be able to see what’s available and book for themselves online.

A short intermission to capture  Πέντε who was lurking over by the projected construction site. There was huge excitement earlier when a pickup full of concrete blocks arrived. I suspect these blocks will be used to form a base for the new larger cabins. I should imagine they will be set up as pads to support the floor. The delivery truck tried to unload the blocks over by the workshop but Maria appeared to tell them to put them nearer to the site.

I had good intentions of getting on with cables for the WiFi over by the reception and on the central bathrooms but got involved with setting up email accounts for EG branches. I have to set up around six hundred new accounts. I’m almost ready to go so just need the format of the addresses and the notification email addresses.

I upgraded the hard disk in the Grammeno NVR (security video recorder) from 750GB to 4TB. It should now be able to record around seven days before it starts deleting old material.

Tony, Ursula and Heidi have arrived in Rimini on their way to Ancona to catch the ferry to Patras. From there they will go to Rafina to stay with Tony’s sister before the final ferry to Souda in Crete. Apparently, it’s raining a lot in Italy as well as in France.

The forecast for the weekend talks about showers and thunderstorms here but it should sort itself out by the time they arrive.


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