The annual assault course begins!

The bar furniture is now scattered in the approaches of the storeroom as preparations are made to get the bar and restaurant up together for the summer season. Dimitris and Zala(?) are the main protagonists where the bar is concerned. They have both completed more than one season. Both know the job they’re taking on, the hours involved and the pay they will receive.

Others have fallen by the wayside for various reasons: fingers in the till, consumption of the stock or lack of desire to work all the hours god can send, for little money.

The day progressed as usual including a trip to Paleochora to pick up an important item from the post office. The water filter from China passed through Greek customs last week and had made its way to Iraklion and thence to Paleochora. They had, apparently, attempted to deliver to the camping however a docket arrived on Monday which I collected from reception this morning. I had been following the package’s progress via the ELTA website tracking facility.

The post office was quiet and the package found quite quickly. There was money to pay so I awaited my turn to pay at the counter. Stuffing the package into the bag of my bike, I headed to Petrakis for fruit and some spinach. I decided to do spinach and rice this evening.

My bike bag being full, I hung the bag of fruit and veg over my handlebars in true Gree fashion and peddled back to Grammeno.

During breakfast chez McG, Georgia arrived to bend my ear about cameras in the bar. Mikhalis had attempted to realign the camera set up to look west through the camping in order to see the tables in the bar. Georgia wanted to see the bar counter, the refrigerators and all the tables too. An extra camera was in order.

I listened politely to all she had to say then went ahead and did what I wanted. She appeared to be satisfied when she returned.

Later we looked together at the new four-person cabins and discussed some aspects of their layout. There followed some conversations about the new WiFi system, its functionality and complexity together with the fact that it’s a professional product used in large WiFi projects by serious people.

I went back to the bar to clear up and finish up a few bits before returning to my van for a rest. I joined Tony and Ursula for tea and cake and then started making the rise and spinach for the evening.

After the evening walk, I finished off the meal preparation whilst Ursula marshalled the dogs for bedtime. We fed them together then adjourned to their area to consume the food. They both survived another of my creations, we chatted, then I retired to wash up and write my blog.

Work still continues at Ammos Beach Bar as I have heard the trailer pass by with yet another lot of chairs. As far as I know, Dimitris and Zana are still hard at work as I write this at 23:45.


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