A lovely end to the day

We didn’t go on an evening walk yesterday because Georgia and Maria were lurking next door and would have spotted us sneaking out the back of the camping. Better to keep these little secrets for as long as possible.

Tonight, following another hot day with a high of 37.3C, we toyed with the idea of abandoning the evening walk again. We in fact went and it was a great evening walk on the Promontory. There was a lovely, cool breeze which, after the heat of the day was quite refreshing. The dogs were lively as they’d been sleeping all day so even Luis was racing about like a mad thing chasing the ball. I was in two minds whether to take the ball as I assumed they wouldn’t be interested. At one point, we had several of them competing for the ball.

There may have been someone out on the Promontory as there was a certain amount of barking on the return leg, however, no one was spotted. Pea can be a bit of a stirrer and set all the others off barking. He is not alone as Luis enjoys this past time too.

Back at the ranch we fed them and put them to bed so hopefully, we’ll hear nothing from Luis nor Fido until tomorrow morning. Last night, Fido was quiet following a noisy start. This was probably due to me putting the collar on him after one of his outbursts. He has it again as I’ve just put it on him.

I had plans to do lots of things today but ended up fiddling with my weather websites again. This time I started all over again with a fresh install of the latest software. Unfortunately, the Web page with the full setup instructions is no longer available so I’m waiting for the site designer to come back to me.

The day was not without the normal morning activities which went more smoothly than the previous day due to the absence of FreeLoaders. We were able to run, walk and exercise and only Obi, Princess and Boris were tied up. Obi and Princess because they’re a liability and Boris because he has a habit of absent-mindedly wandering off to be found back at the factory later on!

The return trip from Paleochora was a little bit of a struggle as it was already over 30C by 09:00! The lowest in the night was 23.2C

Another activity for today was to clean out the blue bath and fill it up with water. This lives on a square of chipboard in the SDC so that those who wish may take a bath. Minnie often used to take a dip in the blue bath splashing the water over the sides as she wallowed within. The others seem more interested in drinking the water which becomes less appetising as time passes. They shun the clean water in the red bucket only one metre away.

Soon I shall need to reinstate the green shading over the run and install the fine spray nozzles which I switch on when it’s a particularly hot day. Pea likes to go and lie in the dampness out of the sun.

My meal is a reincarnation of Ursula’s most excellent meal of Friday with a little extra salad on the side.

Janne and Erica depart for Gavdos at around 07:30 tomorrow so we should be back from our walk to see them off and take any last-minute instructions. They will be back on Wednesday so it will be interesting to gain their impression of life on Gavdos.


Better go and eat now


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