Still no storms

Mikhalis was telling me that the forecast he looked at predicted heavy rain for today. Just guessing, I said that I expected only a few short showers. As it turned out, the forecast he heard was incorrect.

There have been a few showers but certainly, nothing to get excited about. One such shower occurred when I was cycling back from Paleochora laden with my purchases from Petrakis supermarket. Due to the speed I was travelling, the rain simply ran off me and I’d even forgotten about it by the time I arrived back at Grammeno.

Yannis Petrakis insists that I call out the value of my purchases in Greek at the checkout. If I’m hesitant, his fingers hover above the keys of the till until I work it out. He was quite complimentary this morning as I got all the prices right and did it fairly quickly. There was another English-speaker sitting behind him who thought the entire operation very amusing.

The early walk was enthusiastic with Fido and Luis being the stars of the ball-chasing. It’s been a while since those two participated with a ball. In the past, Boris has been very protective of his ball and not up for sharing it or any other ball I might introduce for the benefit of the others.

Fido has been almost silent for most of the day and Luis, who accompanied me to breakfast, spent the time in a heap under the chair. He reluctantly plodded behind me when I told him we were going and spent the remainder of the day snoozing. It was cooler this morning as I discovered whilst out running and cycling. I was not the only runner. As I turned back towards the camping at the 3km point, I could see a running figure in the distance. I was not running all that quickly so the other runner eventually caught up and passed me. He was dressed in tight shorts with a similar running vest. His shorts had a little pocket for a water flask and there was a matching cap on his head. His ensemble was black which I thought a little inappropriate considering the location.

After a little while, he stopped and walked a short way which allowed me to pass him. That situation didn’t last very long as he soon resumed his run at a good pace. By this time, I was almost at the gate to the camping so disappeared to get out of my sweaty kit and into the shower. I’ve taken to going in the shower immediately following my run. It allows Ursula time to finish off her pilates and means we don’t have to put up with my sweaty body whilst we drink our morning cup of tea. I’m mostly using the outside showers now that summer is upon us. The water is initially cool but warms up when it has run for a while. The water which sits in the pipes underground is warmer than that which sits in the pipes above ground. This is the reverse of what happens during the day.

My activities today have included making an eBay auction page for Matthew’s bathroom huts as well as contacting Gilles about his London jive website.

Janne and Erica received a visit from Georgia and Maria which was requested by Janne earlier today. I believe the main topic for discussion was whether they are allowed to rent the area of ground opposite their van. They are keen to gain control of this area in the hope that it is no longer used as a repository for pallets, caravans or general customers. As yet, I do not know the outcome of the meeting as they have gone out since I went to tea.

There is still a goodly number of people in the camping with all three of the vans being occupied. Some of the Small Cabins are also occupied but other than a few motorhomes, there are few tents. The main tent season is July and August when the majority of the camping is overrun with happy campers.

The wind is getting stronger as I have received a number of alerts during the afternoon. Soon Ursula will arrive so we will take the dogs out for their brief evening walk around the fields. It’s only intended as a trot out not a major event.


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