Boris to the vet

I decided early on that I would contact Antonis to take Boris and me to the vet. Boris declined another evening walk and was quite stressed when I checked him out at bedtime. I decided to get him out of his house but as he was having difficulty standing: this was no easy task. He was quite distressed and having difficulty breathing. I helped him to have a drink before laying his head on a clean towel so that it was out of the dust. He finally settled down and I went to bed around 01:00.

After the morning walk, I decided to message Antonis who replied quite quickly that he’d be able to take us. Boris was better than the previous night however he struggled to walk to the car and from the car to the vet’s office. There was a surgery going on when we arrived so I decided to keep Boris out on the pavement in the fresh air. There was a German Shepherd who had undergone treatment also outside. I felt they might comfort each other in some way. Boris lay passively as people and dogs walked past until it was our turn.

Once inside, we placed him on the vet’s examination table as he was unable to walk up the steps into the office under his own steam. The vet examined him, gave him some oxygen followed by a nebuliser as well as a number of other drugs. They drew a sample and did a blood panel. Unfortunately, he did not respond to the treatment as hoped and his white blood count is extremely high. This might indicate a lung infection or, more seriously, a tumour.

The vet was so concerned over his condition that he decided to keep him for the night and that I would return 09:00 Saturday morning so that an X-ray could be taken. Boris was already traumatised enough so did not need two more car journeys or the discomfort of the position required to X-ray his lungs. Not being a very patient patient, they are unable to do anything without me there.

Antonis collected me and we drove back to Grammeno. He said he had to work in the morning so I said I’d ask Sascha for the use of his car. Steffi, Sascha and Marie were sitting outside their van when I walked by so I updated them regarding Boris.

During my vet visit, Georgia had decided to move the caravan, which had been put next to Jenne and Erica, up next to Sascha’s. Right up next to Sascha’s with the towing bracket making contact with the rear of Sascha’s van. Sascha was putting on a brave face explaining that Georgia told him she would sell the van in September.

Sascha agreed to drive me to the vet in the morning as then he would be able to give me any help I might need with Boris.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent either on the phone, asleep or responding to support calls from Inter Sport. The evening walk passed reasonably uneventfully although Πέντε and Mickey were being walked as well as Georgia’s other three with Xanthippos. There was a certain amount of excitement as you might imagine.

The other dogs appear subdued as Boris did not return with me and the gate to his compound is left open.

We will see what the night brings and the result of the X-ray. We can then take things from there.


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