I forgot the meat!

The dogs have just received their Wednesday meat one day late. I forgot to get it out of the fridge yesterday so it was frozen to the inside of the can. I decided to postpone rather than chisel. They will be confused all week thinking today is really Wednesday when in reality it’s Thursday (I think).

We were back to normal timetable this morning so out before 05:00. I can tell the end of the month is approaching as the moon is low in the western sky as we march across the car park.

I think there was a FreeLoader lurking somewhere this morning. I let all the dogs off and there followed a little barking. Oskar was the main culprit as he is scared of everything including himself. There may have been a tent in the bushes. I don’t know for certain as we came back another way for obvious reasons. There was no discernable vehicle in the car park. Perhaps a cyclist or walker.

We found the tennis ball then lost it again. I’m still awaiting a shipment of luminous balls from Amazon. They should be here by now. I’ll have to go and annoy Maria at some point.

We will probably find the tennis ball again tomorrow morning. It’s getting harder as there is more darkness about since we are now over one month on from the solstice. It’s completely dark as we go out but getting light as we come back. The moon will help soon as we are not far off from full moon. 99% to be precise.

I busied myself with IT chores today and reapplied myself to an annoying task with an Exchange Server which is not working the way it should. I think I will uninstall it and start again as there are now so many different configuration changes I’ve forgotten which is which.

Last night, I idly started to watch the original ‘La Cage aux Rossignols’ which was released as ‘Les Choristes’ a few years ago.  I had no intention of going to the end but I wanted to see what the soundtrack was like. I think I’m going to need headphones if I’m to understand much as the soundtrack is poor. The original is set in 1930 but actually released in September 1945. You can see the information here. Noël-Noël plays the part of Clémant Mathieu and there’s an additional sequence at the beginning which is not present in Les Choristes.

There are some grey clouds approaching as I sit outside writing this at 20:35. If I didn’t know better, I might think it’s going to rain. But then I know it never rains in July in the same way as it didn’t rain in August 2015: it never rains in August either. Obi has emerged from the van to sniff the air and the smell of food cooking on the BBQ by the kitchen. Fido is lying in the sand at the extent of his line. He has not long left a ‘deposit’ which I know will be within the radius of the line. So long as he doesn’t bury it in my flowers! Not having so many dogs wandering at liberty means some of my plants and flowers can actually survive. My Allo Vera has a fence to protect it as it’s still very feeble.

I really don’t need it to rain as I have holes in my roof – It never rains in July!


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