No one wanted to play ball this morning

Ungrateful lot! I ‘charged’ up their balls and not one of them wanted to play this morning. So I took myself, Obi and Princess off, balls in pocket, over the rocks to look at the sea and very dark sky. A fishing boat emerged from the gloom which caused a flurry of barking mostly on the part of Luis and Oskar. They rushed along the rocky Promontory following the boat. It continued unhindered and returned shortly after. On the return run, I stopped the barking before it got underway as I didn’t wish to have my peace shattered again.

It was quite warm this morning and it was very pleasant to walk over the rocks with a warm westerly wind in my face. It was still very dark and it wasn’t long before the boat’s lights were no longer visible. We continued our wander and got back to base about the usual time. I think it was too hot for chasing a ball.

It’s was quite hot for running so I didn’t race along. The thermometer on my bike was talking about 34℃ as I rode back from Paleochora.

The temperature was hotter this morning with a high of 36.3℃ until the wind changed from north to west around 11:30. Now the temperature is rising again as the wind seems to be reverting to this morning’s direction.

Antonis arrived bearing a step. Oskar didn’t bark at Antonis and actually approached the fence wagging his tail. Oskar’s a bit discombobulated at present due to all the movement on the other side of the fence. When Erica and Janne are not here, it’s usual to bark at all-comers. Now the rules have changed again. It’s very confusing for a dog!

New step in position and affixed to the decking

When I went out to the storeroom to put away some tools, I noticed a different wreck parked by the workshop. Xanthippos got a good barking at this morning at 06:52 as he pushed the Grammeno Ferrari out of its parking place to roll it down the hill. He accidentally pressed the horn which was a perfect excuse for the dogs to bark. Until that moment, they had all been quiet. They only barked for a minute or so though. I was back from my run shortly after anyway. The different wreck appears, on initial inspection, to be tattier than the Grammeno Ferrari. And that is saying something. What the customers must think as this rattling, wheezing monstrosity appears, I don’t know. But this is Greece, so any idea of making a good impression over saving money or practicality is onto a loser.

Maybe this is just a temporary wreck as the Grammeno Wreck gets repaired? The Ferrari has not been starting well lately and running on only about two of the four cylinders. The odour of unburned fuel is overpowering and unfortunately, the rear of the vehicle is usually pointed towards my gate as it starts and returns from the rubbish run. I shall await events.

My quest for awning rail has continued in between various IT support interruptions. No information or other requests from the Grammeno Site so far today only another ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️rating but no review.

There is no noise from the over the fence kids so far so I’m hoping they are still on the beach or wearing themselves out swimming. To be fair, they are only noisy in the late afternoon and usually go to bed quietly. Most of the noise comes from Fido and Oskar as the neighbours come to plug in their phones to the sockets dangling over the fence near to the former Boris run. Even Luis, from his storeroom location, joined in as the hapless Italians came to recharge their phones overnight.

All tucked up in bed having eaten their Wednesday meat. Don’t tell them that I forgot it was Wednesday yesterday so didn’t take their meat out of the fridge.

The younger children over the wooden fence didn’t make any racket this evening. Now the bigger children on the North Boundary are making a racket. Surely it must be time for them to go out and party somewhere. If they keep me awake, I’ll ensure they have a nice, long doggy chorus in the morning. That’ll learn ’em!


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