What did I do today – not a lot!

Other than the mad dashing around this morning early, ball chasing, walking, running and cycling, it’s been a bit of a quiet day.

I did manage to vacuum and wash the van floor as well as rinse out the shorts and polo shirts I washed a couple of days ago. I decided it was too windy to hang them up at the time so they lurked in the bowl for a while.

Productivity has been low although I went through loads of old photographs to try to free up some space on the computer.

How things have changed! Looking back at photos from 2008-2009. I was using a Windows Phone and only getting the idea of taking photos with a phone. Before that, I’d always used a film camera or a digital one with removable disks. Lots of pictures taken in the early 2000s were with my trusty Minolta Dimage. I still have it and dragged it out a couple of years back to dust off the cobwebs. Unfortunately, it takes such low-resolution photos it’s not a lot of use. Added to that, carting it about is such a drag!

Here are a few photos for your delectation:


Taken before I got my first iPhone. Considering that phones now take really good quality pictures it just shows how far we’ve moved on. The size of the images has naturally increased but the ease with which we can store, process and access them has improved.

Going through them all, I seem to have an awful lot of Hindhead A3 Road Tunnel construction as well as a fair amount of dogs on the South Downs and by the River Ouse.

And here I am, now ten years on, still walking dogs by water at silly times of the day. The difference though is that there’s no mud or snow, however, the number of dogs has increased.

Yes, I like to live dangerously!

I also have some vintage stuff which has been scanned from actual photographs!


Click on the image to open the gallery and browse bigger pictures. I’m not saying they will be any clearer, just bigger!

And here is the picture of the cement works I was talking about.

So much for the trip down memory lane. I’d better feed the dogs and put them to bed.

Charlie found a disgusting fish on the way back from the walk. Tossed away into the grass with other rubbish. I struggled to get them to walk in a straight line as they all wanted a piece of the action.

Lots of people arriving as this is the Big Push of the season. The period building up to the Holiday Weekend. Which is mid-week this year.


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