Not quite 100℉

More cars in the beach car park meant another lead walk. The third in a row. The doggies are getting a little bit frustrated by the lack of exercise and I can’t say I blame them. There will be people around tonight and tomorrow but I reckon most will start to leave tomorrow afternoon. The camping will empty out a bit and there should be no one on the Promontory at night.

Kostas was there again today and he passed me in his car as I was running towards Paleochora. He left the Promontory soon after we arrived this morning so he was either there a lot earlier or there was little salt to pick up. I don’t think he is working on such an industrial scale this year as I’ve not heard the sound of the pump that much.

I’ve been next door to check on the flowers as It’s been quite warm today with plenty of sunshine. The geranium I was watering from above but now water from below is flowering although some of the leaves are still a little white. The Aloe Veras which Janne removed from the parent plant and put under the carob are also doing well now that they have been included in the daily irrigation plan. There are two Large Aloe Veras, three small ones, a geranium and the flowing vine jobbie which is growing up one of the large wooden posts supporting their roof all seem to be doing well at present. Janne and Erica will be here in one month so everything needs to be flowering nicely for their arrival. I expect they will stay until the end of October.

I finally received a message from Maria late last night confirming the prices for T3 and the large wooden tent. She said there was a wooden tent available and that she’d let me know about T3 the next day. No matter as I have written to the customers already so it’s down to Maria to sort it out if they decide to stay and there’s no suitable accommodation. I’m not wasting any more time trekking to reception or writing emails.

A woman contacted me yesterday with a one-line request for accommodation. I replied asking when she was thinking of coming and she said today. If they have a tent, fine but otherwise I doubt it. I referred them to Maria…

My German friends are leaving tomorrow so came to have a bit if a chat this evening. They have been to Azogires again today and said it wasn’t too busy. They wanted to see the museum but they couldn’t find anyone who knew about the key. Lucky, who runs the village, has young people who work in exchange for board and lodging so they often stay only a few weeks during the summer and often don’t know much.

The dogs definitely need a good run soon as I discovered when we went for our walk just now. Maybe they’ll get one in the morning…

The top temperature is 36.7℃ today, not quite 100℉. It was hot until the wind started to blow but I felt it was ok. I wasn’t out and about though. The campers will be happy as it was excellent beach weather.


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