Arrived at last!

Tony, Ursula and Heidi just about made it yesterday, by arriving at 23:30. As I expected, there was little enthusiasm for much other than a walk for Heidi, a shower for Ursula and bed for everyone.

Despite this late bedtime, Heidi and Ursula beat us to the Promontory this morning. I could tell there was something amiss as soon as we walked through the gate from the compound to the field. The level of excitement increased as we approached the Promontory. Lurking amongst the bushes was Ursula and Heidi. Not a bark was uttered, just a lot of doggy greetings and excitement for all concerned. Together, we walked to the end of the Promontory where we played ball in the sand. Extra competition as Heidi was there, but she had lots of time to make up catching up.

I ran, and Ursula did some pilates with Obi helping her decide her routine. We had tea before starting to unpack their car and shift the stuff from the storeroom. I went to Paleochora and Ursula went to Kountoura.

We had breakfast, and I got on with some work while playing with my new toys. My cupboard with storage under was a rapid assembly. The InstantPot was also quick to work out.

I’ve been working on Simon’s computer and cooking stuff in my pot at the same time. I started off with some lentils, then some beans to which I added tomatoes and various herbs before returning it to the pot. Now I’m cooking some rice. Not at all what I had in mind for this evening’s meal but I shall report tomorrow.

Ursula took Heidi out, and I took out the others for their quick wander around the field. I suspect Ursula’s planning to visit the camping restaurant followed by an early night. I don’t think she had more than a couple of hour’s sleep in the night.

My rice is cooking so; hopefully, I’ll be able to eat quite soon. I’m using the automated program for the rice. I pressure cooked the lentils and the beans separately. The beans would, in the usual run of things, be soaked for a few hours before cooking. The pot instructions say they can be put in dry and will still cook in around thirty-five minutes. Leaving the pot to depressurise on its own makes less mess and the contents continue to cook during that time too. One of the benefits for me is that it doesn’t require attention during the cooking and will keep the food warm once it’s done. I’m going to need a bit of practice before I get the hang of it but it’s worth the effort. It is set up on my kitchen unit outside, so most of the cooking odour dissipates to the outside, and I don’t have clouds of steam in my van. Not so much a problem during the summer when all of the windows, roof and door are open. The winter is another matter. We’ll see how we go…

The rice is nearly done so we can see how that comes out as well.


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