Princess gets a trim

It appeared quite calm when I got up this morning but I was glad I pulled on the fleece(s) I was wearing yesterday evening. As we approached the end of the Promontory, the wind got up and I would have been cold without the fleece. Without the wind, the temperature would have been fine. We changed position to a more sheltered location as it was blowing so hard. The sky was clear so we had a good view of the stars. No ISS this morning as it is only visible in the evenings for a few days.

We were back a little later but not late enough not to have a light for the first part of my run. I was overtaken by another runner on the way back within 1km of the camping. I’ve seen him before and he looks a bit keen. I think he goes out for 20km or something like that.

The wind dropped once I’d cycled to Paleochora and back. I delivered some nuts to Ursula and a pastry to Tony. Got waylaid by the couple in T2 who were having a problem with their aircon(?!) and then chatted about things they could do and places they could visit. 

Erica and Janne were a bit delayed last night so we had a catch-up until Ursula appeared to see where I’d got to as we were supposed to be having breakfast together about an hour earlier! 

After breakfast I got on with some IT stuff and later decided to attend to Princess who had become fluffy again. I didn’t want to leave it too long seeing as winter is coming. She patiently watched as I did my best at being a doggy beauty parlour technician: not one of my stronger attributes.

Tea with Ursula followed as Tony was walking Heidi on the Promontory. Some more of the yummy banana cake (bread) from yesterday. I had some last night after the beans, so it’s taken a bit of a hammering.

It was now doggy walking time so I set off across the field to be waylaid yet again, but this time by the Finnish couple who stay at CBV (Cedar Bay Villas) We met two years ago and they saw me last year, didn’t catch me up and had been looking out for me this year: but not at 04:45! We had a good chat and I brought them up-to-date with all the events of the past two years. They have taken on a new dog themselves – a great dog with people but poorly socialised, so not all that wonderful with other dogs.

The Evening Walk ended in darkness so I’m rather behind. Rice is cooking in the InstantPot: I’m having an action replay of last night as Ursula kindly donated the remainder of the beans. One more minute and the rice is done and so, on to the beans. The rice is in the bowl over the steamer whilst the beans reheat and then it’s action stations. The beans will be quick as the InstantPot is already hot and they are only pressure cooking at zero minutes. It’s just a matter of the pot getting up to pressure and then switching off. What an amazing invention!

I now know that one cup of brown rice and one mug of water gives results which don’t require chiseling off the bottom of the pot.


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