Medicane, Manhunt and rain

It was still a bit windy with loads of clouds lingering over the distant mountains. The moon did its best to avoid the clouds but was not entirely successful. Luis was the star of the ball-throwing but also lost interest near the end. I felt a few drops on my head so decided to run them over the rocks. All, except Obi, Heidi and Princess accompanied. Obi’s lead broke due to rotten fabric so he was allowed to go free for the first time in months. He departed but dutifully returned in time for reattachment and biscuits.

I strode off to get back to the camping before the rain came. As it turned out, there were only a very few drops which decided to join me as I ran my normal route. I was back after forty-two minutes and still 99% dry. The showers were hot and we had tea.

It was cooler in Paleochora and my bike thermometer recorded 25℃ on the way back so we enjoyed a reasonably comfortable breakfast albeit inside the cabin since Ursula had taken the precaution of bringing in the furniture as they would be out for the day.

I went back to do this and that ending up checking Erica’s iPad and then filling the holes in my roof due to the forecasted rain. Just as I finished plugging the holes, I received a call from Ursula to tell me she’d mislaid Tony at Azogires which is in the mountains not far from Paleochora. She was putting on her shoes and he went ‘on ahead’ with Heidi.

I notified Janne and Erica to let me know if he returned and wandered down to the McGeorge residence just to check that, by some means, Tony hadn’t manage to get back. There I bumped into Raphaela and children who are staying in T3 opposite. She detailed Martin, her husband to accompany me in the car to carry out a search from Anydri north to Azogires. Ursula arrived at Grammeno shortly after so, after a brief pause, we set off separately together to search in opposite directions. We went through Paleochora and then Martin and I headed to Anydri for our route through the mountains.

The 4×4 came in handy since the road from Anydri to Azogires is less than easy. Eventually, I received a call from Ursula that she and Tony were in the Alpha Café as he’d been directed there by another British resident of the village. We stopped for a drink before returning to Grammeno as, by this time, it was dark and the dogs were very keen on a walk and some food. They might even have been keen to see me as I’d been absent for some while.

The dogs are all fed and tucked up in bed battened down against the possibility of heavy rain in the night and early morning.

Raphaela is concerned having read articles about the MediCane (Mediterranean Huricane) which is being talked about. This is heading towards Greece but, at this time, appears to be missing Crete. The MediCane phenomenon is prevalent at this time of year. The last one being at the end of October when I went for my operation a couple of years back. Apparently, Raphaela has been driving Martin barmy about this so he was delighted to escape from his family for some impromptu sightseeing in the rainy mountains on the pretext of a manhunt.

I’ve bunged all the leftovers from last night into the InstantPot and sent it on a Zero Minute pressure cycle. I have just heard the pressure relief valve drop so shall use this excuse to get some food and to call it a day.

I can hear rain pattering on my new roof…


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