Anydri for the last time this season

A warm night and a warm Early Walk. OddJob was released right at the start and given plenty of time before the others were let loose. Only Pea and Charlie were let off and they stayed with me. He never made it as far as Ursula so I let them all go to amuse themselves. OddJob eventually turned up on Alonáki Beach and brought himself back after Ursula.

The dogs were quite into the balls today: even Heidi, Oskar and Charlie. Oskar loves to taunt you by running off, dropping the ball and then picking it up just as you’re close enough to grab it. We did the rocks and all the rest and went back to the camping.

Fido joined me for a 6km run this morning and we annoyed all the dogs in Grammeno as we passed by on our way towards Paleochora. Fido is getting the hang of it so we were able to complete our 6.03km in 42:03 – an improvement of nine seconds over the day before. Just didn’t quite get under the 42′ mark! Tomorrow we may need to think about an extra km as my November Challenge is to run or walk 434.4km during the course of the month. That is a daily average of 14.48km/day. Today I have covered 14.8km which puts me just a little ahead. This includes an additional 1.78km for an extra walk with OddJob and Pea.

After Tea, I went to Paleochora to collect Tony’s penultimate morning pastry. Today it was a chocolate croissant. We had breakfast in the warm sunlight outside of Tony and Ursula’s cabin before I took Pea and Oddjob on a special Promontory Walk. This earned me 1.78km against my November Challenge and gave them a bit of fun in the sea.

Maria arrived bearing the iPhone case I ordered a couple of weeks back from UK. It managed to get from Manchester to Iraklion in a couple of days and spent the rest of the time just making it across the island. Only because I complained to the head office of DHL! What a shower!

Maria wanted to go to the beach so asked me to keep an eye on the camping. I forgot to mention that we were going out to Anydri to eat at 15:00. I had a couple of small IT support tasks and a few other small jobs to complete so got on with them.

I got changed to go out then went down to Maria to say we’d be leaving shortly. I’d left Tony in the shower and apparently, he was still not back at the cabin! Maria and I discussed prices for motorhomes during the winter season but I still have more work to do on that. She asked me how to eat chia seeds and she learned that milk is not such a good choice as she’d thought. She’d not considered that consuming something stuffed with hormones might be detrimental to your wellbeing. She’s recently taken to WALKING the 900m to the shop as previously she drove everywhere. Even from the reception office to the camping restaurant!

Lunch at Anydri was as scrumptious as ever. We took the Mitsubishi as it had been festering under the tree for nearly three weeks and Ursula could enjoy being a passenger for a change. The staff were pleased to see us as they were not overwhelmed by customers: only steady. Mostly foreigners.

Back at the factory, Ursula kindly put out the food whilst I walked the dogs. I’d only let Pea, OddJob and Charlie go. OddJob quickly returned to the camping of his own accord and Charlie and Pea managed to find someone/something to bark at on the Big Beach despite the gathering darkness. It was completely dark as I lead them into their compounds and put them to bed. They are now quiet, even OddJob who was making a terrible din as we approached across the field. No idea what had got into him!


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