Very un-lazy Sunday afternoon

I’m going to bed later tonight as I keep waking up too early in the morning. I plan to be in bed at 22:00 rather then by 21:00.

Another mild, but thankfully lacking in mosquitoes morning. Luis was the ultimate star of the show with Fido eventually as runner-up. Fido could probably foretell the future and was saving himself for the 9km morning jog which went all the way into Paleochora and back. We were both a little tired after that. I’d decided that I would not cycle today but prolong the run instead. The run counts toward my monthly Challenge but the cycle only counts towards the day so is unnecessary if there is extra running. Clear as mud?

I was wandering the camping talking to the punters when I heard loud barking from the dogs. I walked up to be met by Monika who wanted to refresh her experience of the camping and extract a price for her proposed stay. She’s been free camping a lot of the time but may settle down in the camping soon. A bit like Swiss Lady with her van which is larger but older. We chatted about the camping and I invited her to come to see the dogs and have a cup of tea. At which point I got a call saying that Sarah and Steve, with Myles, their son, were at the reception. They were here Christmas 2015 when we had the Vegan Christmas Dinner outside with Dennis and Gilles, the French guy on his own. We all jammed ourselves into T1 one evening as that was occupied by the Columbian couple and his ancient father.

Sarah and Steve have a Brazilian-made VW camper copy which looks like the real thing but I doubt will be quite so durable as it doesn’t have the same quality Germanicness about it. I recall the Beetle being made on license somewhere South American at some point. They are bringing Myles to see a bit of the southern part of the island before he leaves to join his girlfriend in Cyprus before returning to UK. They plan to stay for two nights.

The Swiss couple are staying another two nights so they say and have had a good day out. I went to see them on a couple of occasions but guessed that they were out on their bikes.

Chris and Claire came to pay today and I had a chat with Chris about leaving their motorhome whilst they go to Australia. I have said I would run it up every month to keep the batteries charged during their absence.

I’ve done a little camping housekeeping catching up with all the customers who have paid during my watch. I am not putting names on nasty little pieces of paper and will be using my faithful spreadsheet as I did last season.

My supper is ready so I’d better go and eat it!


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