I got it wrong!

Having met people lurking by the Big Rock on the Promontory, I naturally assumed they were staying the night due to the fire and the lateness. As it turned out, I was wrong so kept the dogs on their leads for no reason at all.

We sat on the rocks in various locations and communed with nature. It was quite a relaxing experience for all concerned. Returning to the camping, I decided to run along the beach for a change and to see if there were actually people present. It also gave me an opportunity to survey the fence to look for a suitable location to create a gate so that, despite the sheep, we can continue to use the field exit. Going through the camping involves all kinds of distraction as well as having to cross the beach. I think it’s shorter but less easy to navigate due to the unevenness of the sand.

My run was a lot shorter than usual and consisted of a trip eastwards along Alonáki beach and then back. The next part was to run the length of the Promontory and back to see if people were camping. All I saw was a load of broken wood and the ashes from a fire. Perhaps they were there only for a little BBQ? Next I ran across the car park, up the road from the beach and then to the viewpoint on the way to Kountoura. Back from there to the camping making only 4.89km all told: the shortest run I’ve done in a while!

My short run

To add to my tale of laziness, I didn’t bother to cycle to Paleochora either. I didn’t really need anything and there was a strong wind from the east which would have made life difficult. Also, I had an IT job with needed finishing before the Haywards-Heath shop opened. They’d forgotten to leave the computer switched on so I was unable to do it anyway.

The day was unremarkable except for the strong easterly wind, a visit from Xanthippos for some tools and a little IT job for Mr Lawrence who is soon to celebrate his sixtieth birthday – poor old sod! I moved Oskar’s house into the storeroom as he kept waking me up in the night. He tends to wake up and bark anyway but more so when he’d on the east side of the compound by the field. He is now alone in the storeroom with a large board to protect him from any northerly wind, some insulation on the roof of his house and hopefully isolated from too many external sounds likely to trigger nocturnal barking. If it rains tonight, he’s going to be the driest!

The evening walk was equally unremarkable other than that I took a ball which Fido and Luis ‘shared’. It was still windy, the sea was angry with some exciting waves. An easterly wind does not prevent us traversing the rocks so we did that for the second time today.

All are now safely tucked up in bed and my food is cooked ready to eat.

What a lazy day!


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