Waves on the lagoon

There was only a small amount of rain during the Early Walk. I was on my own at that point having tied Princess and Obi to a rock. They’d had enough walking around and needed a rest. I should have followed their example but decided to do a couple more circuits instead. You can see that I’ve not been slacking. I am a little disappointed by this morning’s walk as I’d hoped for more than 45/30. I need to try harder!

I had been considering the possibility of cycling into Paleochora but decided that it was probably better not to. There were heavy showers forecast and a strong westerly wind. The trip in would have been blissful however the return would have been hard work with my bag full of shopping. I went to see goodbye to Dominika as she set off for her flight back to Switzerland. She was in a bit of a panic as the journey to the camping from the airport had not been as smooth as she would have liked. She was driving on a dark, rainy night in a rental car through mountains on roads she didn’t know to a destination she’d never visited. I explained that it was far easier to find the airport than to find the camping. She sent a text from the airport to confirm safe arrival.

A German guy with a dog who was here in November arrived to stay for a further three weeks until the New Year. He is parked up across the way from Chris and Claire but will probably take their place once they leave for UK and thence to Oz.

A couple I saw parked at Krios earlier pulled into the camping to take a look. They have gone on but may return later. I’m not entirely sure why they need to come to a camping as they have everything they need in their Hymer van which is only a couple of years old. I’m happy to take their money…

There were a few support calls but of only a very minor nature. I was busy but I’m not completely sure where the day went. My Apple Watch 3 sold on eBay and Ursula is sending it off to the successful bidder on my behalf. Matthew’s oak table was less successful and didn’t make the reserve. If you know of anyone interested in a fine, handmade solid oak table able to seat 10, then Matthew’s your man.

It has been sunny today with a high of over 20C. There has been a strong southerly wind which explains the waves on the lagoon and the higher temperature. The first quarter moon was floating in the sky as we went for the Evening Walk. We crossed paths with the dog which belongs to the German guy by the beach exit. He assures me the dog is not going to run away and is the epitome of calmness. He seemed very chilled earlier unlike mine which required calming down before we could proceed. He and his dogs stood patiently by as I did my ‘Dog Whisperer’ bit.

Supper is from the freezer but there will be fresh food tomorrow if I can get into Paleochora between showers.


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