
It wasn’t quite as cold as I feared when we went for the Early Walk. Despite my attempts to get some of the Exercise minutes out of the way, there seemed little movement even though I still completed three circuits of the Promontory. It was still dark when we got back so I waited a little before setting off in the direction of Krios.

I thought I was well protected against the cold but still felt very chilly, especially on the return leg. The northerly/northeasterly wind was very strong so was pushing me some of the time and buffeting me on the return. I’d decided not to go all the way to Krios but ended up there anyway. I was pleased to be back at the camping and had trouble undoing the laces on my shoes my hands were so cold. This is despite a hooded top over my running shirt and woollen wrist-warmers! I don’t know how I’d manage in UK weather.

The shower was hot and so was the porridge although the latter cooled down more quickly than usual. I sat in the sun after my breakfast and may even have dozed off as the warmth permeated my body.

A message from Monika asked if the washing machine was available at 14:00. She wanted two lots of washing dealt with and the last came out at 17:15 after the Evening Walk. Monika has parked her small van up against the fence by the beach. She has a heater so will not freeze to death. How much insulation there is I know not.

I dealt with an accommodation enquiry for the summer on the Google site and then took out the dogs on the heels of the returning Xanthippos.

Manolis with the caravan arrived in the afternoon and gave me a load of mandarines and lemons from his garden. Some people simply leave the fruit to rot into the ground which I think is a shame when I have to pay good money at the supermarket. Manolis is doubtless staying for the New Year and will have friends staying in T2 for a few days. He seemed a little surprised when I gave him the price for T2.

I am eating my doggy bag from Martha’s Christmas meal. I have enough to do another meal almost the size of yesterday’s if I add a little more rice.

The heating in the van has been on since before the walk so it was good not to have to wait for it to heat up as it’s only 8.9℃ outside and Obi has been curled up tightly for most of the day.

The three outside dogs should be ok as they have blankets: except Charlie who shoves it out of the door. I’m not sure that the others actually lie on theirs.

The reception camera shows raindrops so it will probably be soggy again in the morning. Monika will not be happy if it rains having told her none was forecast. I think it’s just blowing over the mountain anyway. There will be snow on the mountains tomorrow.


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